Page 18 - ICD Newsletter November 2022 Final Draft6
P. 18

to note, by May 2022, 90% of communities we visited
        had  been  affected  by  COVID-19,  thankfully,  with               SAVE THE DATE
        minimal complications.
                                                                   2023 SECTION VIII INDUCTION
        KDT’s  emphasis  remains  strongly  focused  on                 CEREMONY & DINNER
        preventive  strategies,  continually  increasing  fissure
        sealing  and  early  restorative  care  with  diminishing
        extractions and surgical care, but relief of severe pain
        is unfortunately, a common request. We continue to
        provide removable acrylic dentures in Halls Creek as
        the hospital clinic has a small dental laboratory.

        KDT  continues  throughout  the  year  to  supply  the
        children at the 44 schools across the Kimberley with
        toothbrushes  and  toothpaste  at  the  beginning  of
        every term and at the beginning of the end of year              The next Section VIII induction
        holiday.  This  is  approximately  20,000  toothbrushes    ceremony and dinner will be held at the
        and paste. This is an expensive program to support         International Convention Centre Sydney
        BUT essential to prevent and reduce the Kimberley          the evening of Tuesday, 26 September
        community’s dental disease burden.                         2023 at the time of the Australian Dental
                                                                      Congress and the FDI Congress.
        From  2009  when  our  initial  services  were  almost
        100%  surgical  (extraction  of  teeth)  with  almost  no   Invitations with full details will be sent
        restorative  care,  to  now,  most  patients  and  many      to all Section VIII Fellows next year.
        thousands  of  teeth  have  received  non-invasive               Enquiries: Dr Ron Robinson,
        preventive  care  including  fissure  sealants,  topical      Section VIII Administrative Officer,
        fluoride   applications   and    prophylaxis/scaling   
        under  the  KDT  model.  Our  aim  continues  to  be
        that  all  patients  receive  dietary  advice  and  dental
        health  education  with  brushing  instructions  and
        demonstrations.  To    supplement    this,  we  supply         M’lop Tapang Visits to
        toothbrushes  and  toothpaste  for  all  the  occupants
        of patients’ households and illustrate their relevant               Resume in 2023
        problems  or  our  concerns  using  the  KDT  “Strong
        Teeth, Strong Body, Strong Mind” booklet.             There  has  been  a  prolonged  hiatus  in  providing
                                                              volunteer  dental  treatment  at  the  M’Lop  Tapang
        Having  now  completed  thirteen  years  in  the      dental clinic in Cambodia. This was partially overcome
        Kimberley,  we  are  still  very  mindful  of  continuing   by joining with Healthy Kids Cambodia for a broader
        to  nurture  strong  professional  and  corporate     public health approach over the past two years.
        relationships  with  ADAWA  and  UWA  through  the
        John Prichard Memorial Prize, which provided seven    The pandemic combined with two significant floods
        awards  to  support  all  of  this  year’s  students;  the   where the entire clinic was submerged resulting in
        Rotary Clubs of Perth, Heirrison and City Rotary Club;   significant loss of equipment and materials. It is very
        the  International  College  of  Dentists;  the  Academy  challenging to pick up the pieces and effectively start
        for Dentistry International; the McCusker Charitable  again. It is only through the ICD project recognition
        Foundation; SDI; Colgate; the Maven Group; Dental  and peer support that my energy has been revitalized
        Health Services and many individual donors.           to continue with enthusiasm. You realize that what
                                                              you are doing is worthwhile, to evolve and continue
        Our willing volunteers, supporters and sponsors are  to help those who are in desperate poverty.
        highly valued and acknowledged.  Without them, KDT
        could not achieve what we do. Thank you               During  the  volunteer  trip  in  mid-November  2021,
                                                              we  reviewed  what  equipment  was  working  and
        Dr John R. Owen AM                                    replenished  many  consumables.  Amazingly  one                     of  the  two  dental  chairs  survived  the  floods.    We

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