Page 14 - ICD Newsletter November 2022 Final Draft6
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to dental care. The pandemic increased the many I would like to introduce Dr Harry Perkins who will
people suffering reduced incomes and compounded take over my role managing the program from the end
their inability to see family and friends and increased of this year – a wonderful opportunity for us to have
their social isolation - all of which have impacted Harry as he finishes his PhD in forensic odontology.
on already isolated people’s social and emotional As these changes happen, I will remain in an ex officio
wellbeing. I am grateful that our clinic has managed and title holder position with the Adelaide Dental
to stay open throughout as we saw an increase in School and will continue to support the CODP.
international students, indigenous, and low income
earners seeking care. Thanking all who have been and continue to part of
this wonderful journey.
Although our dental, oral health and dental hygiene
students were under restrictions, our volunteer Margie Steffens OAM (ADDH, B.Sc. Dent (hons) FICD
dentists ensured we could offer care to already
marginalized people and ensure they received
equitable dental care. Since March 2022 we have
conducted business as usual and a new tripartite Gudfala Tut Skul Program,
agreement bodes well for creating a more sustainable
service. Vanuatu (Healthy Tooth School)
Our partnerships have remained reliable and After nearly three years of COVID restrictions,
supportive. In particular, ICD grants have ensured
that we could modify our clinic space as we opened a Vanuatu’s borders are now open to tourists and
second surgery to cope with additional students and volunteers alike. Having returned recently, it was
patients. Along with Rotary, Dental Concepts and the pleasing to see that despite everything, the Gudfala
Adelaide City Council we have secured much needed Tut Skul Program has not only survived, but is in
support with donations of equipment. fact expanding. Gudfala Tut Skul is a supervised
brushing-of- teeth- in-schools program that is proven
to dramatically reduce plaque. A key element of the
program is that it is supervised, with the teachers
participating as role models.
Every dollar received in grants goes directly to the Thanks in part to grants from the ICD in 2020 and
support of our clinic and helps people like Cailan. again in 2021, approximately 4,000 Vanuatu children
Cailan had been supported by a program hosted are now participating on a daily basis, in this school-
by Teen Challenge who help young people recover based, supervised brushing program, across 55
from addictions to achieve education, work and self- kindies and schools. In addition, a further 12,000 –
esteem. Teen Challenge is one of around 40 agencies 15,000 family members are also impacted, with the
with whom we engage – such a privilege for our program engaging with parents and carers through
volunteers to be part of a community to improve the provision of an extra toothbrush for home, along
quality of life and opportunities since we began in with a Brushing Record Book; to be completed with