Page 9 - ICD Newsletter November 2022 Final Draft6
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necessarily a dentist) who has rendered conspicuous         Report on 2022 International
        service to the cause of dental science, has contributed              Council Meeting
        to  the  promotion  of  the  dental  profession  or
        has  otherwise  significantly  advanced  the  dental
        profession  within  our  region.  During  the  58-year   The 2022 ICD Council meeting was held in Houston,
        history of Section VIII, Honorary Fellowship has been   Texas  on  October  15  and  16.    Section  VIII  was
        awarded to only 14 individuals.  With the induction   represented in person by Section VIII Councillor Clive
        of  Liz,  there  are  currently  ten  Honorary  Fellows  of   Ross  CNZM  and  virtually  by  Section  VIII  Councillor
        Section VIII.                                         Jackie  Robinson.    This  report  does  not  include  all
                                                              points  covered  during  the  Council  meeting.    Only

        Dr  Elizabeth  Webb  is  a  dental  therapist  with   issues of direct relevance to Section VIII Fellows are
        the  Waikato  District  Health  Board.    Her  dental   included in this report.
        qualifications  include  CertDentTherp  (AUT),  Post
        Graduate  Diploma  Clinical  Research  (University  of   DAY 1
                                                              Vision Exercise
        Wellington), and a Doctor of Philosophy (University
        of Wellington).  She is an alumna of the Global Child   After  preliminaries  were  completed,  Council
        Dental  Fund  Senior  Dental  Leadership  Program     members  engaged  in  a  vision  exercise  responding
        which develops the strategic leadership skills of the   to two questions: what is the heart of ICD and what
        world’s senior dental professionals. Liz is one of over   would happen if ICD did not exist? The most frequent
        200 senior delegates from 47 countries, including a   response  to  the  first  question  was  that  Fellows/
        number of Section VIII Fellows, who have attended     Fellowship  is  the  heart  of  ICD.    Other  responses
        the program over the past 14 years. Dr Webb is an     included  humanitarianism,  recognition  and  honour
        active team leader providing volunteer dental services   and  commitment  to  improving  oral  health  globally
        and training in rural and remote islands of the South   and  to  advancing  the  art  and  science  of  dentistry.
        Pacific since 2013. She has been an advocate for cleft   Responses  to  the  second  question  included  that
        lip/cleft palate children and adolescents in Vanuatu   volunteer programs supported by ICD would not exist
        since 2013.                                           in their current form and other dental societies would
                                                              gain prominence.

        Unfortunately, Liz contracted COVID while on a visit to   Section Reports
        Vanuatu shortly before the ICD induction ceremony     Following  the  vision  exercise,  Sections  reported
        in Christchurch.  As a consequence, she was inducted   individually  on  two  key  points  as  requested
        in absentia in Christchurch.
                                                              by  the  College  Office.    The  questions  and

                                                              the  Section  VIII  responses  are  given  below.
                        STAY IN TOUCH                         1.  What was the Section’s biggest accomplishment
                                                              or successful project within the past year?
                    Experience the Digital Globe              Section VIII’s biggest accomplishment over the past
              CLICK HERE and scroll down to “The 2022         year has been retaining its net membership numbers
             Globe” to begin reading the GLOBE online.        despite the impact of COVID over the past few years

                                                              and  continuing  to  support  a  significant  number  of
                        Section VIII Website                  volunteer programs led by Section VIII Fellows where
               CLICK HERE to visit our Section website        their good work has continued through the epidemic
              for more photos and regular updates on          thanks to infrastructure and local personnel estab-
                    Section projects and events.              lished in prior years.

                                                              2.  What was the Section’s biggest challenge in the
                     Section VIII Facebook Page                 past year?
              CLICK HERE to visit our Section Facebook
             page for more photos, locations and regular      Section  VIII’s  biggest  challenge  over  the  past  year
                                                              has been managing the cancellation of two in-person
                  updates on projects and events.
                                                              induction  ceremonies  due  to  COVID  at  advanced

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