Page 7 - ICD Newsletter November 2022 Final Draft6
P. 7

Being named a Master is a rare honour within the               First ICD Fellows from
        College which has been awarded to only six Fellows                Kingdom of Tonga
        of our Section.
                                                              Section VIII was pleased and privileged to induct the
        And  today  the  Board  is  proud  to  bestow  another   first two Fellows from the Kingdom of Tonga,  Dr
        honour  on  Clive  –  the  ICD  Distinguished  Service   Amanaki Fakakovikaetau and Dr Sisilia Fusi Fifita, into
        Award.  The Distinguished Service Award is a lifetime   the International College of Dentists in Christchurch
        achievement award recognizing outstanding service     on August 20.
        to the College or the public over an extensive period
        of time.  At the virtual meeting of the International
        Council in November 2020, it was announced that the
        ICD Awards Committee had approved a Distinguished
        Service Award for Clive on the recommendation of
        the Section VIII Board. Today is the first opportunity
        the Board has had to present this award to Clive.  I
        ask Acting President Tom Tseng to come forward to
        present the ICD Distinguished Service Award to Clive
        along  with  a  special  memento  for  Clive’s  long  and
        outstanding service to Section VIII.

        Clive will step down from the Section VIII Board and
        from the ICD Council in October at the conclusion of
        the 2022 International Council meeting.  Clive, you
        will be sorely missed by all of us who have had the
        pleasure and privilege of working with you.  Fellows
        and  guests,  please  be  upstanding  and  raise  your
        glasses to Clive Bentley Ross.                               Clive Ross CNZM awards ICD Fellowship to

        On  behalf  of  all  Fellows  of  Section  VIII  of  ICD,          Dr Amanaki Fakakovikaetau
        the  Board  thanks  you  Clive  for  all  you  have  done
        for  our  Section  and  for  the  College.    You  have   Dr  Amanaki  Fakakovikaetau  completed  his  BDS
        contributed  enormously  to  ICD  and  elevated         at  the  PNG  Dental  School  and  completed  his
        Section  VIII  within  the  College  as  very  few  others   postgraduate  degree  in  clinical  dentistry  (oral
        have  in  the  history  of  Section  VIII.    We  wish  you   surgery)  at  the  University  of  Adelaide.    Amanaki
        and  Wendy  happiness  through  the  coming  years.     is the Chief Dental Officer for the Tonga Ministry
                                                                of Health.  He has worked in the Tonga Ministry of
                                                                Health for over 30 years as a clinician, supervisor,
                                                                leader and administrator.

                                                                Dr  Fakakovikaetau  has  been  a  member  of  the
                                                                Ministry  of  Health  Executive  since  2013.  He  is  a
                                                                founding member of the Tonga Dental Association
                                                                (TDA)  2002;  has  served  as  President  since  2013;
                                                                and served as Secretary 2002 - 2012.  Amanaki has
                                                                been a member of the Tonga Medical and Dental
                                                                Practice Board since 2013 and has been President
                                                                of the Oral Health Pacific Island Alliance (OPIA), a
                                                                regional  organization  for  dental  professionals  in
                                                                the Pacific islands, since 2016. Dr Fakakovikaetau
                                                                has  been  a  member  of  Rotary  Club  Nuku`alofa
        CLICK HERE to take a pictorial walk down memory         since 2006, serving four times as President and is a
        lane across Clive’s 24 years on the Section VIII Board.  recipient of the Paul Harris Fellow.

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