Page 3 - ICD Newsletter November 2022 Final Draft6
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2022 Fellowship Renewals                                   Section VIII Board Meetings
        2022 renewal notices were distributed to all Fellows
        in mid-September. A reminder that payment was due     Since the last newsletter, the Section VIII Board met
        by the end of October was sent in mid-October.  If    virtually on May 13 and September 22 and met in
        you have not received a renewal notice, please check   person in Christchurch on August 19.
        your spam folders or contact the Section VIII Admin
        Officer on  Postal notices   The  virtual  May  Board  meeting  focused  largely  on
        were sent to Fellows without email addresses in the   financial matters and insurance as well as finalizing
        ICD database.                                         preparations  for  the  induction  ceremony  and
                                                              luncheon in Christchurch.  Financial matters discussed
        Thank you to the 70% of Fellows who responded to      by the Board included the annual financial report, the
        their  renewal  notices  so  promptly.    So  far,  25%  of   annual review of renewal fees and new Fellow fees,
        Fellows have included donations with their payments,   preparation and approval of the FY2023 budget and
        including  a  few  very  generous  donations.    Your   review of 5-year budget projections.  Section VIII is in
        support  for  the  volunteer  programs  led  by  Section   sound financial condition.  The review of insurance
        VIII Fellows is greatly appreciated.                  needs with input from external expert advice led to

        Reminder  notices  have  been  sent  to  those  Fellows   the purchase of public liability cover for ICD events
        who have not yet responded to their renewal notices.   and of association liability insurance.  In addition, the
                                                              Board reviewed and updated the Section VIII grant
        Membership Statistics                                 application form and renewed the contract for the
                                                              Administrative Officer, Dr Ron Robinson.
        The Australasia Section of the International College
        of Dentists now has a total membership of 780.  This   At  the  face-to-face  Board  meeting  in  Christchurch
        is comprised of:                                      in  August,  the  Board  discussed  the  Section  VIII
                                                              EOFY report in preparation for the annual audit and
          •   638 Active Fellows                              reviewed communications related to annual renewal
          •   121 Retired Fellows                             notices for Fellows.  The Board also finalised a report
          •     11 Honorary Life Fellows (including 2 Masters)  on membership growth as requested of all Sections
          •     10 Honorary Fellows                           by  the  ICD  Membership  Committee.    The  Board
                                                              finalised a petition to the Council to add more islands
        676 Fellows are in Australia and 86 in New Zealand.   of the South Pacific to Section VIII jurisdiction.  As
        In  addition,  our  Section  currently  has  Fellows  always, nominations of new Fellows were considered
        living  in  Belgium,  Cambodia,  Eritrea,  Fiji,  Hong  by the Board.  And the Board considered introduction
        Kong,  Kingdom  of  Tonga,  Papua  New  Guinea,  of  online  forms  to  facilitate  submissions  of  grant
        South  Africa,  Timor  Leste,  and  the  USA.  75%  of  applications, updates on contact details and renewal
        Section  VIII  Fellows  are  male  and  25%  are  female.  payments by Fellows.

        Nominating Deserving Colleagues
        I  encourage  all  Fellows  to  consider  nominating
        professional colleagues whom they consider deserving
        of the recognition of Fellowship of the International
        College  of  Dentists.  The  Section  VIII  nomination
        form  is  available  on  the  Section  VIII  website
        (CLICK HERE) or from the Section VIII Administration

        Future Section VIII Induction Ceremonies              The virtual September Board meeting was convened
        An  induction  ceremony  and  dinner  will  be  held  in   specifically  for  the  Board  to  consider  grant
        Sydney  on  26  September  2023  at  the  time  of  the   applications.    At  the  meeting,  the  Board  approved
        Australian  Dental  Congress  and  the  FDI  Congress.     support for 14 volunteer programs led by Section VIII
        Invitations will be sent to all Fellows in due course.  Fellows.  The Board also noted the guidelines for local

        Petrina Bowden, Registrar                             committees developed in previous years.

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