Page 10 - ICD Newsletter November 2022 Final Draft6
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stages of preparation and organising and holding two to the Pathways were approved by Council. To view
other in-person induction ceremonies despite the the “Pathways to Fellowship” flowchart, CLICK HERE.
ongoing complications of COVID.
Fellow Assistance Program
Responses of interest from other Sections indicated Director of Operations, Chelsea Segren, outlined a
emphasis on increased use of social media. Not “Fellow Assistance Program” proposed by the College
surprisingly, many Sections commented on the Office to offer one off assistance to Fellows experiencing
difficulties faced during the pandemic in maintaining financial difficulties that jeopardize continuation of
membership numbers and recruitment of new ICD membership. The College Office will communicate
Fellows. Webinars were popular during the pandemic the proposed program to all Fellows in due course
in keeping in touch with Fellows. Some Sections are to give Fellows the opportunity to participate.
experiencing dire social and financial difficulties due
to circumstances in their regions. Value of ICD Fellowship
Membership Committee Presentations Leaders of various Sections of ICD have repeatedly
Section VIII Councillor Jackie Robinson gave two requested promotional materials to convey the value
of ICD Fellowship to Fellows and to potential Fellows.
presentations at the Council meeting as Chair of the At the Council meeting two documents developed
ICD Membership Committee. The first presentation
was on Section membership goals and plans. Each by the Membership Committee and a document
Section was contacted by the Membership Committee written by the Secretary-General were discussed and
in August to submit goals for membership growth to officially adopted for potential use by Sections. The
be achieved by the end of 2024 and action plans for documents may be translated into other languages as
reaching their goals. The presentation summarised needed by Sections. During the Council discussions,
the reports submitted by the Sections. (NOTE: The Dov Sydney emphasized that value equals the
Section VIII Board has approved a goal of 1% net honour of Fellowship, as reinforced by surveys of ICD
growth of Active Fellows per year for 2023 and 2024.) members. (NOTE: The Section VIII Board is reviewing
the Fellowship documents for application by Fellows
The second presentation explained a “Pathways to within Section VIII.)
Fellowship” document developed by the Membership
Committee to clarify procedures related to managing DAY 2
potential nominations and allocation of new Fellows Additions to Section VIII
to Sections. The presentation was given to brief Council approved the Section VIII petition to add
Councillors on proposed changes to the ICD Standing more islands of the South Pacific to its jurisdiction.
Rules voted on by the Council. The Pathways (See “Section VIII just got bigger!” on following page.)
document describes four existing pathways to
becoming an ICD Fellow: 2023 Council Meeting
The Council approved holding the 2023 Council
Primary Pathway - meeting in Seoul, Korea on November 4 – 5.
Fellows of a Section nominate dentists living &
working in countries within their Section. This is and ICD Online Map of Projects
remains the pathway by which the vast majority of Strong emphasis is placed on keeping the ICD online
dentists become Fellows of ICD. map of projects updated and promoting the map to
Secondary Pathways - enhance the reputation of ICD within the dental and
• Fellows nominate dentists living & working in wider communities. (CLICK HERE to view the map.)
countries of another Section Election of Officers
• Fellows nominate dentists living & working in The Council meeting ended with the election
countries not listed within any Section of ICD
• Nominations & enquiries received through the of officers to serve for the next 12 months
College Office effective at the conclusion of the Council meeting:
Proposed changes to the ICD Standing Rules related
• President – Ho Youl Chang (Section XI, Korea)