Page 12 - ICD Newsletter November 2022 Final Draft6
P. 12

Editor’s Introduction to Project Reports

        This section of the newsletter is dedicated to articles submitted by team leaders of volunteer programs
        supported by our Section.  Since July 2021, Section VIII has provided grants for the projects listed below which
        are led by Section VIII Fellows:
               Region                            Program                           Contact/Program Leader
           Adelaide         Community Dental Outreach Program                  Margie Steffens OAM
           Cambodia         Healthy Kids Cambodia                              Bethy Turton
           Cambodia         M'Lop Tapang                                       Petrina Bowden
           Cook Islands     Aitutaki Project (Aitutaki Project)                Liz Webb
           Kimberley        Kimberley Dental Team                              John Owen AM

           Nepal            Project Yeti                                       George Manos
           Nepal            Village Health Improvement Program                 Sandra Meihubers AM
           Pacific Islands  SFTP “Pacifica Conference”, Fiji, August 2022      Jonathan Cole
           Pacific Islands  SFTP “Pacifica Conference”, Western Samoa, July 2023  Jonathan Cole
           PNG              Webinar Development                                Len Crocombe/Mahmood Siddiqi
           Timor Leste      Dental education of Ana Paula Salgado              David Sheen AM
           Timor Leste      Maluk Timor CPD                                    Ross Dunn AM
           Tonga            Tonga dental facilities on three school campuses   David Goldsmith
           Tonga            Mobile dental van                                  David Goldsmith
           Tonga            Tonga Perio Disease Management Program             Mohammed Shorab
           Vanuatu          Gudfala Tut Skul Program (school program)          David Goldsmith/Barry Stewart
           Vanuatu          Cleft Palate Program                               Liz Webb
           Vietnam          Long Tan Dental Program                            Greg Miller

        The level of support our Section is able to provide is made possible only by the generous donations made by
        Section VIII Fellows with their annual renewal payments.  Thank you!

        I hope you enjoy the articles that follow and are inspired by the what our Fellows who lead these programs
        are sharing with us.

        Editor Jenny Ball

             Aitutaki Oral Health Project,                    clinic, using portable gear (and a lot of Kiwi grit), we

                        Cooks Group                           provided  restorative  and  preventive  treatments  to
                                                              over  100  children  from  Araura  Primary  School  and
                                                              the  attached  kindergarten.  The  clinical  focus  was
        Kia Orana, ICD Fellows.  Thank you so much again for   on  temporising/treating  the  permanent  dentition,
        your generous grant in 2022.  These funds enabled     placement of Fuji 7 on permanent molars and placing
        three New Zealand oral health workers to go to the    stainless-steel  crowns  on  kindergarten  children
        outer island (Pa Enua) of Aitutaki Island in the Cooks   using the Hall SSC technique. We also made clinical
        Group in April 2022 to make an initial assessment of   assessments  of  the  children  from  the  third  school,
        the oral health of the children.                      Vaitau Primary.

        Following on from this visit, I took a team of four self-  During  this  visit,  children  from  all  three  primary
        funding New Zealand oral health workers back to the   schools and their attached kindergartens were  given
        island for two weeks of clinical work in June 2022.   topical  fluoride  treatments  (300+)  and  were  gifted
        Working  out  of  a  partially  equipped  school  dental   eco-toothbrushes,  kindly  donated  by  The  Humble

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