Page 7 - prim 5 booklet 2025 Summary
P. 7

Delta Modern Language Schools
Science department
Grade 5
1st term 2024 -2025

Photosynthesis process:

It is the process through which plants use the energy in sunlight to make their own food.

► Green plants use their leaves to collect sunlight and carbon dioxide from the air.
► Inside the green plant, sunlight allows carbon dioxide to combine with water to make
sugar, which gives the plant the energy it needs to grow.

► Give reasons:

Light is important for plant to grow
Because plants use light to make their own food, so the plant without light does not grow
well because it had less food.

►What happens if:
-You leave a plant in a dark room for five days.
The leaves color changes from green to yellow and their number decreases.

Plant structure:

Stomata (in leaves)                          Xylem (in stem)

Leaves collect sunlight                   Water and nutrients move up the
•Also the air that plant need moves into  plant's stem through tubes or vessels
                                          called xylem.
the leaves through tiny openings called


Stomata: They are pores on the            •Xylem (vessels): They are Smaller
surface of plant's leaves that allow      vessels that connect the stem to the
gases to connect the stem to the          leaves.
leaves. move into and out of the plant

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