Page 8 - Joel Weiman ASGCA Phase II Application 5 11 2021
P. 8
Representative Program:
GlenRiddle Golf Club—Man O’War Golf Course
11501 Maid at Arms Lane Berlin, MD 21811
New 18-Hole Project, Opened 2007
Designed/Built for Tom Ruark
Contact: Mark Meisel (on behalf of Ruark)
The 36-Hole GlenRiddle Golf Club project was routed through a 1000 acre development project that was
once the home of champion race horses. GlenRiddle was my most difficult site to work with as it was near-
ly flat, quite low-lying (the average fairway elevation started at just 4.5’ above sea level), had heavy soils,
had tidal issues, and involved development coordination with Centex Homes including a duel irrigation sys-
tem to disperse the site’s effluent wastewater.
The relatively lifeless western portion of the property that the Man O’War Golf Course now occupies was
transformed through extensive earthwork and drainage design. In total, the 36-Hole GlenRiddle project
moved 575,000 cubic yards of soil, installed 30 miles of drain pipe (20 miles of drain pipe installed below
sea level), and 750 drain inlets to allow for artistic sculpting of the terrain.
The Man O’War Course provides the Ocean City, MD resort guest a glimpse of a “British-Isles inspired” golf
experience through its landforms, grassing patterns, width, and ever present Eastern Shore winds.