Page 3 - Joel Weiman ASGCA Phase II Application 5 11 2021
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Professional Bio

           Joel P. Weiman
           Senior Designer
           McDonald Design Group, Inc.
           Cell: 410-365-2080

           Education:    Cornell University, Landscape Architecture, 1997

           Employment:  Wadsworth  Golf Construction Company, 1997
                         Arthur Hills & Associates, 1998
                         McDonald Design Group/McD. & Sons 1998—Present

           Affiliations:   Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents
                         Eastern Shore Association of Golf Course Superintendents
                         Long Island  Golf Course Superintendents Association
                         Golf Couse Builders Association of America
                         University of Maryland, Guest Lecturer

         Following graduation from Cornell, I worked as a Wadsworth Assistant Project Manager while  constructing
         Lowe’s Island for Arthur Hills & Associates.  Following the project, I joined Mr. Hills’s Team in Toledo for just a
         short period.  That move to Ohio was an expensive lesson for a broke kid right out of college, but it was inval-

         uable—I learned that I was wired to be as much a builder as a designer, to be more hands on, and to fully
         embrace the logistical challenges of schedule, budget, and resources to execute a program successfully.

         I was fortunate to have previously interned with McDonald & Sons, Inc., a then boutique Golf Course Builder
         located in Jessup, MD during the summer of 1996.  Following a passioned plea, Chip McDonald agreed to
         bring me on board as an in-house designer.  I started slowly with smaller scaled renovations and many, many,
         many practice facilities.  After all, I was just a 23 year old kid already “on my own”.

         Our early successes provided a great deal of momentum, and by the time I reached the age of 33  we had in-
         corporated McDonald Design Group, designed five new 18-Hole golf facilities, and had became a very active
         design firm within the Mid-Atlantic Region.

         At the age of 46, I now lead a team that works with over fifty golf facilities each year that includes talented
         Design Associates Buck Young (The Ohio State University), Logan Thompson (West Virginia University), and
         John Douglas (University of Maryland, College Park).  We specialize in formulating long-range planning docu-
         ments for phased implementation programs, but yes, we still enjoy developing dynamic practice facility im-
         provement programs!

         I am grateful to have had the opportunity to actively guide all aspects of our design/build programs over the
         past twenty-three years… I love my job.

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