Page 4 - Joel Weiman ASGCA Phase II Application 5 11 2021
P. 4
Representative Program:
Odessa National Golf Club
1131 Fieldsboro Road Townsend, DE 19734
New 18-Hole Project, Opened 2008
Designed/Built for Joe Capano (deceased)
Contact: Dale Loeslein, Golf Professional
Odessa National Golf Club was my fifth new 18-Hole project of my career. As the golf development in-
dustry evolved following 2008-2009, our design focus has since centered around renovating existing golf
This golf course property was originally routed by others years previous to me being contacted to poten-
tially design/build the golf course by Capano Construction. We were ultimately awarded the project by
demonstrating how reconfiguring a series of holes would reduce the number of forced carries encoun-
tered by forward tee players by four, and in turn improving the playability and speed of play for this pub-
lic facility.
Despite being a development golf course, the playing corridors at Odessa are wide, allowing for the de-
velopment of intriguing playing angles and options. Our “half-par” Odessa golf holes are fun, memora-
ble, and exciting.
The more challenging “half-par” holes on #2 and #3 are balanced by the scoring opportunities present on the 4th and 5th
holes. A similar balance exists on the back-to-back 15th and 16th holes.