Page 107 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 107

History and Formation

Washington Slagbaai National Park (WSNP) opens daily
(except Christmas day and New Year’s day) at 8 am,
and closes at 5 pm. We recommend you arrive early as
it will take at least 2 hours to drive around the Park.

O n September 1, 1868, the Government of             here that workers received their wages – which      Bonaire pods at the market price that the pods
       the Colony of Curaçao sold the island of      consisted primarily of provisions and goods –       of Bonaire received! To protect Bonaire’s divi-divi

Bonaire in parcels by public auction. The north- and here that they brought disputes to be set- product, a Certification of Origin for divi-divi

western part of Bonaire was called Slagbaai and tled. As a result, the area became known as the pods was introduced, verifying the authenticity
was bought by Moises Jesurun and John, August, capital of America - Washington. The Washington of Bonaire pods. This did much to end the cor-

and Casper Neuman. In the years that followed and Slagbaai plantations supplied salt, charcoal, rupt practice of falsifying divi pod origins.

the property changed hands a number of times.        aloe extract, divi-divi pods, and goats for export  Aloe vera was harvested after the rainy
Finally, in 1920, the northern half of Slagbaai was  to Curaçao and Europe. In a good year 3,000 or            season, when the leaves had the most juice.
sold to the brothers Julio and Gijsberto Her-        more goats would be shipped to Curaçao from

rera. They named their newly acquired property       the bay known as Playa Funchi.                      The workers were almost exclusively women
“America”.                                                                                               from Rincon. They would camp on the site for
                                                     Divi-divi pods were used in leather tanning,        a week in huts made from cactus wood, and
They made a new entrance, which still func-                 in Holland and elsewhere in Europe. Since    go home on Fridays for the weekend. Over the
     tions today as the Visitor Center. A house      the divi-divi pods of Bonaire were superior to      years various members of the Herrera family

was built for the plantation supervisor, and a       those of other sources, merchants would pay a owned various parts of Washington. Finally, in

small store with an adjoining office was added. high price for the pods from Bonaire. Unscrupu- 1931, possession of the entire property was
This area became the most important part of the lous traders began importing divi-divi pods from obtained by Julio Caesar “Boy” Herrera.

plantation. It was here that one applied for work, South America to Curaçao and selling them as
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