Page 109 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 109

ounger strata are not tilted, we find    rivers could erode their valleys to a lower      calendar year. For children under 12 years
                                               level than the present sea level. When the       there is no charge. Residents of Bonaire
Y them at most places along the coast          water rose, the lower part of the valleys be-    have 2 options, they may either pay a $3 fee
                                               came submerged. Still later the mouth was        for a day pass, or pay the $15 fee for one
and a close look tells us that these creamy-   blocked by walls of coral shingle put there      calendar year. To be eligible for this local
white limestones originated as reefs. We       by the surf. The well known Goto and Slag-       price, a valid residency ID (Sedula) must be
find branching coral and (chalky white)        baai owe their existence to such a process.      presented upon entry.
coralline algae that prove this contention.    YOU ARE WELCOME TO EXPLORE THE FAS-
As nearly all organisms found petrified in     CINATING GEOLOGY INSIDE THE NATIONAL             Y ou may enter the Washington Slagbaai
these reefs are still existing, their age can  PARK. HOWEVER, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED                     National Park free of charge by show-
not be great. Radio-carbon gives an age of     TO REMOVE ANY MATERIALS (FOSSILS,                ing the written receipt of purchase of your
110.000 years. In those times the sea stood    ROCKS, SAND, ETC). THE SAME APPLIES FOR          dive tag and a picture ID. This can be your
about 15 meters higher than it does now.       THE BONAIRE NATIONAL MARINE PARK.                C-card, driver’s license, etc. Photo copies
The reef has been preserved as a terrace                                                        are accepted. Proof of purchase of the $10
that fringes the island’s coastlines. At some  W ashington Slagbaai National Park               Nature Fee by itself does not allow entry
places even two or three terraces are pre-              (WSNP) opens daily (except Christ-      into the park. However, purchase of the $10
sent, since the sea has known very different   mas day and New Year’s day) at 8 am, and         Nature Fee tag counts towards the $25 en-
levels, depending whether the polar ice        closes at 5 pm. We recommend you arrive          trance fee to Washington Slagbaai National
caps retained more of less rainpour.           early as it will take at least 2 hours to drive  Park (an amount of $15 per person will
                                               around the Park. The latest you are allowed      be charged upon presentation of proof of
M ost of the rivulets (temporary water         entry into the Park is at 2:45 pm. However,      purchase of the $10 Nature Fee).After pay-
        streams) do not empty directly into    this does not apply if you are on a bicycle      ment of the Nature Fee for a calendar year
the sea. Some empty into island bays or        or you plan to climb Brandaris. All cyclists     the user receives a tag and also a receipt
saliñas, salt lakes, the bottoms of which      and hikers to the Brandaris must enter the       in their name. The receipt and the tag have
have sometimes partly dried up (e.g. Saliña    Park no later than 12 noonThe admission          matching numbers.
Matijs and Boca Bartol). These bays are        fee to the park is $25 for adults for one
drowned valleys. When, in former times,
the sea level was lower than at present, the
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