Page 108 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 108

n 1967, Boy Herrera became ill. Fearing     underwater, in times when Bonaire was not white limestone deposits in subhorizontal

I that his heirs would sell this natural area  yet an island (90-100 million years ago).      position. The geologists could prove that

to developers who were eying Bonaire, he After the emergence of these formations              the dark rocks date back from the Creta-

negotiated with the government to pur-         (60-70 million years ago) two important        ceous period, that ended 65 millions years

chase the property upon his death. He did events started to happen:                           ago. The light-coloured limestones are

so with the express condition that it be left  T he rocks became exposed to erosion,          much younger, their formation started only
undeveloped, for the enjoyment of the peo-          the debris was carried off by rain water  about 5 million years ago.
ple. As a result, on May 9th, 1969, National   and so hills, valleys and plains developed.
Park Washington opened its gates to the        Around the island, coral started to grow,      M ost rocks that we find in the Park have
public. It was the first nature sanctuary in                                                          not been seen silently deposited as

the Netherlands Antilles.                      waves attacked the shores and the wind         settling dust on the dark ocean floor. The

I n 1966, the Netherlands first considered     accumulated (coral) sand, as a consequence     tops of the Brandaris (240m.), Ceru’i Mangel
   securing the remaining section of the       of which, dunes developed. In some places      (149 m.) and other hills consist of dark
                                               the dunes moved far inland. At Washington      rock with white feldspar crystals. These

Slagbaai plantation, and the adjoining         Slagbaai National Park both phenomena          rocks show a peculiar way of prismatic

property called Brasil. This was accom-        may be observed.                               columnar jointing; there is no stratifica-

plished in 1977. In 1979 the Washington        W hen visiting Bonaire, one can see two        tion at all. Such type of stones constitute
Slagbaai National Park was officially inau-             vastly different types of hard rock   the bulk of Bonaire’s Cretaceous backbone.
gurated.                                                                                      They certainly are ancient volcanic; chilled

T he management of this entire area            that tell us about the origin and subse-       lavas, petrified tuffs. The rounded pillows
     was entrusted to STINAPA N.A. a Dutch     quent history of our island. We observe        in which lava flows are that are seen on
                                               dark rocks, either unstratified or thinly      Bonaire betray that there must have been a

acronym, which means Stichting Nationale laminated, in the last case the strata are           series of submarine volcanoes.

Parken Nederlandse Antillen. Most of the       tilted, and dip 35 to 40 degrees down to the

older rock formations of Bonaire developed Northeast. Very different are yellowish or
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