Page 139 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 139
he economics of Bonaire for diving dive the Big Three of Cozumel and there- will or should allow a child to dive the Big
fore are left diving the Platform Dives, that Three.
T are extraordinary. A family of four can frankly are inferior, and not as good as the
Bonaire dive sites. R eal Life Experience #1: Risk of Decom-
experience a truly remarkable experience pression Illness – Decompression Illness
exploring god’s creations under the sea” T he first major dive I experienced early (“DI”) results when a diver rises to the
for a price of $1,500. This is $3,364 less in my diving career was the famous surface too fast and the nitrogen contained
than the same vacation to Cozumel and Columbia Wall of Cozumel. The deepest in the blood is not released in a controlled
even cheaper than Grand Cayman Islands dive I had done at that juncture was 55 manner. There is little risk of decompres-
or Hawaii. As an additional comparison, I feet. I exited the boat and looked down to sion illness in less than 30 feet of water.
wanted to take my family diving to Hawaii, the sandy bottom that was 65 feet below. DI increases rapidly as a diver descends to
last summer to scuba dive. The lowest rate I I almost freaked out. My heart was pump- deeper levels. There is a false impression
could find on the Hawaiian Islands was $95 ing and because of the depth and anxiety I that as an Open Water Certified Diver you
for two tanks. It would cost $190 per day wasted ½ of my tank. I was a certified Open can descend to 130 feet and rise to the
for one person to do four tanks (if you own Water Diver and had already done over 30 surface with little fear of DI. This premise
your own equipment). The Shelf dives are dives, and yet I still panicked. is false. In May of 2010 I experienced and
outstanding, but not safe for novice diver sustained a severe DI accident in Cozumel.
or child – Would a parent allow their child T he cattle boats of Cozumel and the It took over six months to recover fully from
to get a four (4) hour swimming lesson and Grand Cayman Islands are hectic and the incident.
then allow the life guard to drop the child scary for a first time diver. They are worried
into 90 feet of water? NO WAY!!!!. Cozumel what the other divers think of them. For a
and Grand Cayman Islands are outstanding new driver it is intimidating. Just imagine
dive locations for a certified diver but the what it is like for a 10 year old child and
best dives are also deep. The shelf dives his/her mother. I do not believe a mother
are my favorites but also dangerous. I will
discuss why children and Potentials cannot