Page 140 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 140

he facts are as follows. I was diving    five minute period. I released the buoy and environment for a new diver to the sport
                                              was immediately pulled upwards. The string or a child to ensure they do not develop
T at approximately 90 feet on the Villa
Blanca Wall in Cozumel. The current was       attached to the surface buoy had gotten      DI?” The above reinforces my point that

unusually strong. A large adult sea turtle    wrapped around the handle in the spinner new divers and young children should not

was swimming against the current. I im-       that contained the string (i.e. the device   be diving in deep water. Panic, anxiety,

mediately chased the adult turtle, against similar to a fishing poll wheel). I looked      mistakes, lack of experience can all result in

the current to film. I spent a lot of energy down and tugged the string to release the a diver at a deep depth rising to the surface

and air to swim against the current. After tangle. The entire process took 5 seconds. and developing DI.

filming I looked for the other divers in the  I looked up and the surface was five feet    R eal life experience number 2: The
group and noted they had drifted far down     away. I had missed my 3 minute safety stop         knuckle head diver – Some people are
the reef. Because I had used significant air  to release excess nitrogen and had shot to

to swim against the current, I had to rise to the surface.                                 just irresponsible. On one trip I met a law

the surface before the other divers in the    1. Even as an experienced diver I never      client that was in Cozumel for one day from

group.                                        realized I could rise so fast.               a cruise ship. He wanted to dive with me

B ecause Cozumel is boat based div-           2. I made a bad decision and should have     on Columbia Wall. My client was a 63 year
      ing with approximately 2,500 to 3,000   just released the buoy (a $65 value)         old male that had been certified for 30
divers per day, there is a tremendous                                                      years and claimed he had dived all over the
amount of boat activity. You cannot rise to   W hen I got on the boat I was whacked.       world. We were at approximately 100 feet
                                                       I developed joint pain, ringing in  and I noted that he was breathing hard.

the surface without a surface buoy floating my ears and light headedness. It was a         A diver is suppose to enter the boat with

on the surface. A surface buoy is a sausage stupid mistake made by an over-confident 500 pounds of pressure left in the tank. I

like rubber tube that is filled with air and (and admittedly “cocky” diver). The DI ac- grabbed his pressure gauge and noted he

release on a string that floats to the surface cident actually became one of the main      had 200 pounds left!!!! I grabbed him by his

to indicate a diver is below. The string is   drivers contemplating safety issues and      Buoyancy Control Compensator and accom-

attached to a spinning reel holding line      the relationship to Bonaire’s unique shore panied him the surface.

similar to a fishing poll reel. I had ascended diving environment. The question I began

from approximately 95 feet to 40 feet over a to contemplate is, “What provides the safest
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