Page 142 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 142

hen he entered the boat I looked     scenario for the “Potentials”. Resort course     diver can quickly ascend to the surface if
                                               certified divers can only use the certifica-     they run out of air and not get DI.
W at his gauge and noted he had 10             tion while at the resort; they have to be
                                               accompanied by a “dive master” and cannot        T he other major point is that a new diver
pounds of pressure left. We had a long dis-    descend below 40 feet. Bonaire is a unique            or a child diver can descend at their
cussion on the boat about safe diving. I told  environment because it is shore based div-       own pace (the child with a parent) from the
him on the second dive to make sure he         ing, the resort course persons can experi-       shore. The parties can go at their own pace
had 500 pounds left when he entered the        ence the full beauty of the coral reef in 20     without the “rush to get into the water” on
boat. We dived Columbia Shallows as the        feet of water and if a diver panics they can     a dive boat. The child or new diver can start
second dive. After about an hour I swam        easily get back to shore. Destinations such      in one foot of water, get his fins on and
over to him to check his air. He had 200       as Cozumel, Mexico and Grand Cayman Is-          start to scuba at the surface in 2-3 feet of
pounds left!!! We immediate began our as-      lands are not as suited for resort course div-   water. The entire experience is controlled
sent and I told him I would never dive with    ing since the diving is “boat based” and the     and the safest way to scuba dive. The new
him again. Some people just do not get it.     best dives start in approximately sixty (60)     diver, resort diver and child can begin to
                                               feet of water. The key to the “real life expe-   experience fish and aquatic life. If the child
R esort Course Divers cannot dive the Big      rience” discussed above and in this section      or new diver panics they can quickly get
      Three - Potentials in the DEMA study     is the inherent and profound safety of the       back to shore. The parent (with the fins on)
comprise approximately 40% of the United       reefs of Bonaire. The reef starts in approxi-    stands six to seven feet tall. The parent can
States population. The number of Poten-        mately 10 feet of water. The Resort Course       grab the child and be able to support him-
tials is millions of individuals. Bonaire is   diver can experience the true wonders of         self with his fins on the bottom until the
an excellent location for resort course type   the reef. If a diver panics at 20 feet they can  child or new diver calms down.
training. A resort course is approximately     shoot to the surface and not get DI. The
5 hours long and introduces the student        new or even the knuckle head experienced
to scuba diving, the equipment and has
limited “pool training”. Bonaire is a perfect
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