Page 97 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 97
History and Formation of the Bonaire National Marine Park
On October 18, 1999, a long-held ambition became reality: The Bonaire Marine Park became a
National Park of the Netherlands Antilles, the Bonaire National Marine Park. ith National Park
status the Marine Park earned a few advantages, not least of which is the perception of higher
status, and increased opportunities for funding.
T he project of the Bonaire Marine Park use was donated by BOPEC, (Bonaire’s oil station, staff, mostly paid by the island
government, was able for some time to
started in 1979, with funding from the World transshipment company), and their precise
Wildlife Fund Netherlands, the Dutch Govern- placement was guided by Tom van ‘t Hof, maintain some presence for law enforce-
ment, the Government of the Netherlands Antil- initial Manager of the Bonaire Marine Park, ment, but little remained for mooring main-
les, and the Island Government of Bonaire. Assistant Marine Park Manager Eric Newton, tenance and other activities. Eventually
I n 1978 and 1980 a worldwide first took Ranger Franklin Winklaar, and volunteer the mooring maintenance was taken over
place in the Bonaire Marine Park. Around divers including Rik Lina, a resident artist, by the dive operators, who did their best
and Captain Don Stewart. to also help out as a presence in the water
40 permanent moorings were placed on B y 1984 the legislation concerning the and around the reefs.In 1990 the Govern-
dive sites, specifically for dive boat use. marine park was finalized and accepted, ment commissioned van ‘t Hof to reactivate
Each of those first moorings was made the BMP. Lack of funding was dealt with by
with two 55-gallon drums (donated by but even earlier the funding by the WWF another worldwide first: Every diver would
WEB, Bonaire’s power and water com- ended. A proposal in 1984 for funding by be required to own and display a Marine
pany), connected to each other with re-bar divers through an annual fee of US $5.00, Park tag, for which they would pay US $10
(scrounged by Marine Park staff, personally, including a tag, was not acceptable by a year. Divers responded favorably; most
from a failed construction project), and many in the dive industry, so eventually were delighted – and proud -- to help sup-
filled with concrete. The moorings were the funding ended. By using money paid port the Marine Park.
taken to the sites on a crane barge, whose by scientists for the use of the Karpata field