Page 99 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 99
A shallow terrace extends (98 – 492 vary by habitat. The density and distribu- 82-98’ (25-30m) and a secondary drop-off
◾ feet (30 - 150m) from the shore to the tion of gorgonians, black corals (Antipatha- (double reef ).
drop-off, which starts at a depth of approxi- rians) and sponges differs between areas. A O n the windward (eastern) shore of
mately 33 – 49’ (10-15m). The terrace has a Bonaire the terrace generally extends
characteristic zonation (shallow to deep) of typical reef structures on the leeward shore
Elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata); Staghorn can be found at the following locations:
coral (Acropora cervicornis) and a mixed
zone with Boulder Star coral (Montastrea ◾ Shallow water spur and groove struc- 328-656’ (100-200m) offshore to a depth of
annularis), the dominant stony coral, and a tures can be found at Boca Bartol and 40’ (12m). It is covered primarily with crus-
variety of gorgonia are represented. tose coralline algae and Sargassum, though
◾ From the drop-off the fore reef slopes Playa Benge in Washington Park (at the locally also with sea fans. The reef slope is
with an inclination between 30° and
60°, to a sediment-covered platform at a northernmost part of the island) generally far less steep than is found on
depth of around 164’ (50m). From 33-82’ the leeward shore with less coral cover and
(10-25m) the dominant coral species is ◾ In the north of Bonaire, the western- abundant brown algae.
usually Boulder Star coral (Montastrea an- facing shore often hosts coral heads
nularis), locally also Lettuce coral (Agaricia several meters in diameter in shallow water.
agaricites). At greater depths the dominant L ac, an open bay on the windward shore,
species are the plate-forming corals (Agari- A boulder coral three feet (one m) in diam- is the main lagoon area with mangroves
cians), Great Star coral (Montastrea caver- eter is two to three hundred years old.
nosa) and Stephanocoenia michilini. ◾ On the north of the island, the south-
ern-facing shore reef slope shows but- and seagrasses. All other lagoon areas are
A pproximately 55 other species of coral landlocked, being closed off from the sea
can be found on the reefs along with
the dominants mentioned above. These tress formations and is steeper than aver- by a coral rubble barrier, and have therefore
age, with the deep water sediment platform formed hyper-saline environments (saliñas).
occurring below 328’ (100m). W hile it is possible to access shore
sites on the leeward side of Bonaire
◾ On Klein Bonaire the northeastern
coast has virtually no shallow water
terrace and the drop-off begins between 6 all year round, conditions on the windward
and 16’ (2-5m). side are unpredictable.
◾ At some sites south of the airport there
is an intermediate sediment platform at