Page 98 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
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nother significant result of the BMP ship’s scheduled departure, the ship was ◾ Marine Park tags also admit entrance to
prevented from departing by Marine Park Washington/Slagbaai National Park.
A revitalization was the selection of Kalli action. Another ship was fined for dumping
debris overboard at dock. Various vessels ◾ The price of Marine Park tags for SCUBA
de Meyer as Bonaire Marine Park Manager. have been fined for anchoring in Bonaire’s divers changed to US $25.00 for a year
De Meyer led the Park for more than a waters. Poachers have been caught and pass or $10 for a day pass.
decade, into newly deserved worldwide fined.
recognition. In addition to a new Marine ◾ Swimmers, board sailers, and all other
Park Manager, the Park also acquired four I n 2003 STINAPA was restructured. Both users of the Marine Park are now re-
Rangers in 1991. the BNMP and the Washington Slagbaai quired to have to pay US $10.00 for a year
National Park are now administered under pass.
O n October 18, 1999, a long-held a single Director. In late 2005 another
ambition became reality: The Bonaire long-held ambition became reality: Several T ag receipts go directly to STINAPA
Marine Park became a National Park of the employees of STINAPA, including the Direc- and are used entirely for the manage-
Netherlands Antilles, the Bonaire National tor, the Managers, and the Chief Rangers, ment of Bonaire’s National Parks. The reefs
Marine Park. With National Park status the acquired Police-type ticketing and law around Bonaire form a narrow fringing reef,
Marine Park earned a few advantages, not enforcement powers. which starts practically at the shoreline and
least of which is the perception of higher extends to a maximum of 984 feet (300m)
status, and increased opportunities for E ffective March 31, 2005, the 1991 offshore. The whole area is protected as
funding. legislation covering Marine Park us- part of the Bonaire National Marine Park
age fees was changed with the inaugura- and legislation ensures wise use of the is-
T he Bonaire Marine Park has showed tion of the Nature Fee. With the introduc- land’s coral reefs, sea grass and mangroves.
its muscle on several occasions, both tion of this legislation all the users of the
before and after National Park status. One Bonaire National Marine Park, not solely the T he general structure and zonation pat-
ship was assessed a fine for an accidental divers, pay a user’s fee. The most significant tern of the reefs of the leeward (west-
fuel spill; the ship sent the information to changes include: ern) shore is:
their insurance company, but when the
agreement to pay did not arrive before the