Page 371 - Micronesia
P. 371
Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks
Nieves Flores
Memorial Library Guam Congress Building
Within the same area as
In the heart of Hagåtña, the Guam’s most famous Catholic
church, the Guam Congress
island’s main public library Dulce Nombre de Maria Building, once known as the
Cathedral-Basilica Guam Legislature Building
houses the Guam Room, the The center of Catholic faith on (GLB), is awaiting restoration.
Guam, many believe this mag- Originally built by the U.S.
repository of virtually all nificent Church was built on Navy and presented to the
the same site as Guam’s first people of Guam in July 1948,
information about the island. Catholic church. The origi- the site was renamed the Car-
nal structure survived from los P. Taitano Guam Legisla-
Paseo de Susana For individuals wanting to its completion in 1670 until ture Building.
the bombings of WWII. The
Paseo de Susana, behind the learn more about Guam, the present church, completed
in 1959, houses the original
Chamorro Village, is a penin- library features a display of statue of Guam’s patron saint,
Our Lady of Camarin.
sula built in the 1940s from museum artifacts that rein-
rubble and debris that re- forces our rich history.
sulted from the destruction of
Hagåtña after WWII. The pen-
insula contains Guam’s main
44 sports stadium and the Statue 45
of Liberty. The site is home to
the island’s annual Liberation
Carnival in July, which com-
memorates the island’s libera-
tion by U.S. forces in 1944.
Statue of Plaza de España Santo Papa as Juan Pablo San Antonio Bridge
Liberty Home to the governor’s palace Dos Monument (Tolai Acho’)
In 1950, the Boy during the Spanish period, the Across the street from Dulce Built by the Spanish Governor
Scouts of America Plaza de España is a favorite Nombre de Maria Cathedral- Manual Muro in the 1800s as
erected this small site for visitors. Although Basilica, a statue of Pope John a means of crossing the Agaña
replica of the U.S. most of the palace was Paul II (Santo Papa as Juan River, the San Antonio Bridge
Statue of Liberty destroyed during the retak- Pablo Dos) commemorates survived the bombing of
overlooking Agaña ing of Guam during WWII by the pope’s first visit to the Hagåtña in WWII but lost use-
Bay in observance of the orga- U.S. forces, three structures Marianas Islands in 1981. The fulness when the Agaña River
nization’s 40th anniversary. are still standing – the three- bronzed papal statue rotates was diverted during postwar
Located near Chamorro Village arch gate, the Azotea (or back at a rate of one full revolution restructuring of the city. The
within Paseo de Susana, the porch), and the Chocolate every 12 hours. landmark was named in honor
site offers a great view of ar- House. of San Antonio de Padua, a
riving boats each evening and Portugese Catholic saint that
surf enthusiasts who catch lived from 1195-1231.
waves at the boat basin.