Page 372 - Micronesia
P. 372

Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks                                       Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks

                   Sirena the         moved to Hagåtña for historic      years later. Major reconstruc-
                                                                         tion followed the destruction
                   Mermaid            preservation are shown here.       wrought by Super Typhoon
                                                                         Pamela in 1976. The expanded
                   Located beneath    Due to advancements in pres-       structure occupies 22,000
                   the San Antonio    ervation efforts, latte stones
                                                                         Central Guam
                   Bridge in Hagåt-   are no longer moved if found.
                                                                         Piti Bomb Holes
                   ña, the statue of                                     One of five marine preserves
                                                                         on Guam, the Piti Bomb Holes
                   Sirena represents                                     located near the Fisheye
                                                                         Marine Resort and Observa-
                   a Guam legend                                         tory attracts a large amount
                                                                         of fish and other marine life.
about a girl who disobeyed her                                           Although the large underwa-
                                                                         ter craters appear manmade,
mother. Sirena, who chose her                                            they are natural coral forma-     Pago Bay Overlook
                                                                         tions. The site is a favorite     Located near the village of
passion for swimming over                                                among beginning divers and        Yona, the Pago Bay Overlook
                                                                         snorkelers.                       provides a sunrise view over
running errands, was cursed                                                                                one of the island’s most beau-
                                                                         Guam Veterans Cemetery            tiful bays. The site below was
by her mother one day when                                               Located in Piti, the 18-acre      once home to an old Spanish
                                                                         Guam Veterans Cemetery            settlement until it was deci-
she was late returning home.                                             is reserved exclusively for       mated by smallpox in 1856.
                                                                         veterans of the Armed Forces.     Today the bay is popular for
Her mother wished she would           Fort Santa Agueda                  A chapel in the center of the     fishing, kiteboarding, and
                                                                         park is open daily for visitors.  other water sports. If you
become part of what she loved Also known as Fort Apugan,                                                   look closely, you can see the
                                                                                                           University of Guam campus
and never come back. Before           this Spanish historic site was                                       across the bay.

Sirena could change com-              built in the 1800s near the                                          University of Guam
                                                                                                           Founded in June 1952 as the
pletely into a fish, her grand-       Government House overlook-                                           Territorial College of Guam,
                                                                                                           the University of Guam in the
mother stopped the curse.             ing Hagåtña. Recently restored                                       central village of Mangilao has
                                                                                                           grown into an accredited four-
Legend says Sirena swam out           by the Hagåtña Historic Foun-                                        year land-grant institution. Lo-
                                                                                                           cal and international students
to sea, where ship captains           dation, the site was originally                                      pursue degrees offered in
                                                                                                           more than 30 undergraduate
46 still see her.                     built to keep the bay and city                                       programs and more than 10         47
                                                                                                           master’s degree programs.
                                      safe from intruders. Three                                           UOG is accredited by the West-
                                                                                                           ern Association of Schools and
                                      historic cannons still sit on                                        Colleges.

                                      the site.

Senator Angel Leon Guerrero           Government House
Santos (Latte Park)                   The architectural design of
Memorial Park                         the Government House, the
Commonly known as Latte               Governor’s official residence,
Stone Park, this site offers          incorporates elements of the
visitors a glimpse into ancient       Chamorro and Spanish heri-
Chamorro culture, which used          tage in its architectural design.
these structures as a foun-           Located on Kasamata Hill in
dation for homes and other            Agaña Heights, the residence
buildings. Eight lattes, which        commands an excellent view
were discovered in the Me’pu          of the city of Hagåtña and
area of southern Guam, then           Agaña Bay. Construction on
                                      the original building began in
                                      1952 and was completed two
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