Page 110 - The British Big Four
P. 110

tion of our first lionfish sighting.
        oray Manor - Known for lots of green moray in the ‘70s, some
                                                                         l Capitan - The reef drops from 50’ to 90’ with up to 40’ heads.
M can still be seen, as well as sharks. Very good selection of ma-       There are many swim throughs and over hangs. Large schools
Erine life. The coral travels perpendicular to the shore, growing up to
10 ft. high, with heather coral in this area.                          of fish including pompano frequent the reef. We have seen larger

                                                                       hammerheads and tiger sharks.
     hark Encounter - Divers swim with Caribbean reef sharks and
                                                                         l Dorado - This reef has lots of reef sharks. The large coral heads
S interact with them in their natural state! The sharks are four to      rise 40’ off the 90’ bottom.
Eeight feet and at times can be too numerous to count. The location
is near an old Recompression Chamber with coral reef surrounding
it. There are also large green moray eels, groupers, hogfish and an-
                                                                         t Olympus - A large coral pinnacle rich with orange elephant
Mgel fish. There is the occasional nurse or hammerhead shark coming      ear sponges, black coral and delicate gorgonians, rises out of

around to find out just what is going on.                              the deep blue. It goes from 90’ on the inside to 60’ on top before

                                                                       dropping into the Gulf Stream. There is a profusion of crevices and
A nn’s Paradise - A 40’ to 50’ patch reef. This has vibrant corals small undercuts. Sharks are frequently seen here.
      and sponges.
B Slair House - A huge tongue & grove reef that starts at 50’ and           ugar Wreck - The wreck of an old sailing ship in 20’ of water.
      drops down to the sand in 90’.                                        It sank while carrying sugar from the Caribbean. Many yellow
                                                                       stingrays, southern stingrays, pufferfish and lots of crabs live on

L ucayan Caves - Grid line coral with 15’ profile starting at 50’ and  this wreck. It is also known for it’s resident loggerhead turtle that is
     dropping down to 90’. Numerous sharks and large schools of        frequently adorned by remoras.


S hark Junction - Caribbean reef sharks cruising over this reef.
     This site also has a number of large snapper and was the loca-
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