Page 113 - The British Big Four
P. 113

Grand Bahama: Medium Dives

T hese dive locations are in 40 - 60 feet of water. Typically, there On one isolated head, there are star corals of three different colours.
     are scattered coral head growing into more solid reef forma- Take your time to examine the individual coral heads as you can
tions along a sandy bottom.                                         often find arrow crabs or red banded coral shrimp in their nook and

                                                                    crannies. Further south, the scattered coral heads become a more
S PID City - SPID is an acronym for the Self-contained, Portable, solid fringing reef.
     Inflatable Dwelling that was once used for short term habitation
experiments in the mid-to-late ‘70s. A twin engine Aztec aircraft,    theridge Wreck - Once a car ferry operating in the Carolinas,
                                                                      this vessel was featured in the movie “Halloween”. Sunk in early
Eonce used in the “Sea Hunt” series, is nestled on the sandy bottom.
Large schools of blue parrot fish are often seen grazing on the bot- 1992 in an area of scattered coral heads, schools of silversides, shad,

tom.. As you head south, the coral will become solid with surge schoolmaster snappers and grouper make their home in and under

channels running through it.. This site is very close to the location the wreck.

of the shark dive, so you may see one or two Caribbean reef sharks  P ygmy Caves - Nicknamed tunnels because of the high coral for-
                                                                          mations that run perpendicular to shoreline with overlapping
passing through.

A rrow Point - The coral heads at this site form a rough triangle, ceilings; thus the name Pygmy Caves or Tunnels. Marine life seen
      hence the name. You can see a bit of everything here; sandy here are schools of horse eye jacks, snappers large groupers, spot-
bottom at the blue hole, scattered coral heads to the east and more ted eagle rays and caribbean reef sharks.

solid reef to the west and southwest. A blue hole, eel garden and   E den Banks - If you’re looking for a lush Garden of Soft healthy
                                                                         coral, this site should be visited. Stingrays, large snappers,
stingrays are some of the highlights.

P icasso’s Gallery - Here you find a pretty sting of coral heads on a grunts, surrounded by scattered and land coral.
      sandy plateau that should be visited as pieces of art in a gallery.
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