Page 116 - The British Big Four
P. 116

ea Hunt - Portions of the television series “Sea Hunt” were filmed    ilver Point - This is one of the most beautiful shallow reefs that
                                                                           can be enjoyed by divers as well as snorklers. There you will find
S Shere. West of the mooring, there is a large isolated star coral
that hosts sea fans and other soft corals. Bluehead wrasse, blue and tall staghorn, elkhorn, brain and star coral with schools of grunts,

grey cromus, and sergeant majors swim above the coral head.  snappers, parrotfish, angelfish, as well as many other types of ma-

                                                             rine life.
      lackbeard’s Springs - This is a very pretty site on the eastern end
                                                                           ish Farm - More fish than you can count, more color than you can
B of a large stretch of coral. At the mooring there is a blue hole         imagine. A photographers’ dream come true! Swim with marine
Fthat is about one foot in diameter. This hole will either be blowing
or sucking depending on tidal movement. At the eastern end of life to many to name! Dolphins have been know to venture on the

the reef you can normally find large school of grunts, snappers or deeper sections of this reef.

perhaps some Bermuda chub.
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