Page 114 - The British Big Four
P. 114

en’s Blue Hole - At this site there is a horseshoe-shaped ledge  horseshoe shape in the sand, this is bens blue hole. The Blue hole
                                                                       is a funnel, or channel for freshwater to come out into the sea, the
B with several coral heads growing on the lip. This ledge is a blue    water mixing creates an interesting place for fish to hang out. Often
                                                                       you will find a large green moray eel or grouper hanging out under
hole and part of a large fracture that runs east from the mooring      the ledge of the blue hole. Loggerhead turtles are regularly seen
line. By following the fracture over two coral heads, you will find    here. This site is very good for photographers on a sunny day who
another small blue hole behind the second coral head. Very often       like to coral head hop.
you will find jacks, schoolmaster snapper, porkfish and schools of
creole wrasse by these holes. Mooring is set at about 40-45ft in a
coral head, directly south of the pin you can see a large sunken

Grand Bahama: Shallow Dives

S hallow sites are generally 10 - 15 feet deep. Perfect for snorke-    P illar Castle - Named for its large stands of pillar coral, one on a
     ling, beginning divers, fish watching a picture taking. These           finger of reef just north of the main reef area, another directly
reefs offer the most color, fish and coral because of their shallow across from the mooring. The south end is hollow, forming a cav-

depths.                                                                ern that is usually filled with fish in the late summer - silversides,

T reasure Reef - This site received its name in the mid-sixties        sometimes glass eyed sweepers or hatchetfish. Occasionally, you
     when four young men stumbled on an old Spanish wreck that         may find a lair of green moray eels.
contained several thousand silver coins. The coins recovered from
this area have been estimated to be worth about three million          R ainbow Reef - North of the mooring there is a broken bottom
                                                                             with two stands of pillar coral. Hovering over this area are
dollars. Today, schools of blue striped, black and french grunts are schools of yellowtail goatfish, grunts and sergeant majors. There

prevalent. Wide, white sandy surge channels have formed be-            is mountainous star coral surrounded by a stand of elkhorn coral.

tween the overhangs of elkhorn, brain and star corals.                 Schools of silversides occupy the cave formed under the coral.
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