Page 130 - The British Big Four
P. 130
arpon Reef - High profile corals for a school of tarpon and green ties, so all a snorkeler really needs to get started is to either rent a
snorkel, mask and a set of fins from her hotel or a dive center or to
T moray eels. Green Turtle Cay, the “jewel of the Abacos,” lies three bring her own. Green Turtle Cay’s Ocean Beach has a shallow reef
between 50 and 100 yards from shore, depending on the part of
miles off the northeast coast of Great Abaco. Three and a half miles the reef, while Marsh Harbor has its Mermaid Beach and Reef. On
long and oneh alf mile wide, it features an undulating coastline of Great Guana Cay, a snorkeler can go to the Dive Guana (diveguana.
bays, banks and several long beaches. com) shop, rent gear and jump in the water for a look at the tropi-
cal sea life right from the dive shop’s own pier. Some of the better
C oral Condos, a large formation of coral heads with cascading snorkeling sites in the Abacos are not close enough to shore for
plate coral and excellent marine life in 60’ water. independent shore snorkeling but are visited by snorkel and scuba
diving trips. Snorkel boat trips are also a convenient way to visit the
C oral Caverns - A series of winding caverns filled with clouds of snorkeling sites of other islands in the Abacos. Out of Marsh Harbor
shiny Silversides. is the Abacos Train Wreck, a popular site with divers and snorkelers
alike, consisting of the sunken remains of a captured pair of Union
S an Jacinto - The wreck of a large steamship sunk in 1865 in 40 locomotives sold to Cuba by the Confederacy, only to be lost at sea.
feet of water. Most dive centers on the Abacos also conduct regular snorkeling
trips, such as Dive Guana and Brendal’s Dive Center on Green Turtle
T he Catacombs - A shallow sun-splattered cavern with abundant Cay.
tropical fish and frequent turtles.
S hore Snorkeling and Boat Based Snorkeling - Virtually every
island in the Abacos has its own shore snorkeling opportuni-