Page 133 - The British Big Four
P. 133

Bimini Islands Scuba Diving

B imini -- Although Bimini is most famous for its game fishing, yacht, the Sapona (owned by Henry Ford), which sank in shallow
     it boasts excellent diving, too. Five kilometers (3 miles) of off- waters off the coast in 1929. Though the Biminis are the closest Ba-
shore reefs attract millions of colorful fish. Even snorkelers can see hamian islands to the mainland United States, the atmosphere here
black-coral gardens, blue holes, and an odd configuration on the is worlds away. The islands of Bimini Bahamas are only about 50
sea floor that is allegedly part of the lost continent of Atlantis (a fun miles to the east of Miami, making them the closest of the Bahama-
legend, at any rate). Divers can check out the wreck of a motorized nian islands to the US coastline.
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