Page 134 - The British Big Four
P. 134

his makes Bimini nice and easy to get to from Florida. Flights the rum punch flowed freely. Unfortunately, the Compleat Angler

T land in South Bimini Bahamas. You then take a short bus ride burned down to the ground January 13th, 2006 (Friday the 13th!)
to the ferry to cross the channel and reach North Bimini. Airlines
flying to Bimini Bahamas include Yellow Air Taxi, Bimini Island Air,
                                                                      lice Town, on North Bimini, is the commercial center of Bimini.
AContinental Connection and Lynx International. They fly from Fort    Many hotels, bars and restaurants can be found there along

Lauderdale to Bimini in about 20 - 30 minutes.                        the main street of King’s Highway. The Chalk’s seaplane lands there.

T he Bimini Islands, near the northwest corner of the Great Baha-     The largest hotels have marina facilities. Many dive charters oper-
     ma Bank, are the closest Bahamian Islands to the United States.  ate from Alice Town. If you decide to spend a day on land, there are
                                                                      several public beaches, an Open Air Market, and the Hemingway

This means it is also the island group farthest from the rest of the Museum. The island is small enough that you can walk around it in

Bahamas. This remoteness has left Bimini with a unique, laid-back, half a day. Or rent a bicycle or golf cart for exploring. Bimini follows

rustic, small-town feel that many visitors return to again and again. British driving laws and there are just as many golf carts & bicycles

Because Bimini is just 50 miles from Miami, Florida, many people on the road as cars, so use caution. North Bimini is connected to

travel to Bimini on their own boats in about three hours. Charter South Bimini by ferry. South Bimini is quieter and mostly residen-

air flights are also available from Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. You can tial, but more and more cottages, condos, and resorts are develop-

fly by seaplane into North Bimini, or by small jet into South Bimini. ing here each year.

Bimini consists of North Bimini, South Bimini, and several smaller
islands and cays. The islands were settled by emancipated slaves
                                                                      ive spots in Bimini range from shallow reefs and wrecks to
Dfrom Nassau. Rum runners made frequent visits to Bimini during       deep wrecks and walls dropping into the abyss of the Gulf-

Prohibition. The tiny islands were made famous in the 1950s when stream waters. The corals are healthy and vibrant. More than 20

Ernest Hemingway visited frequently after learning of the excellent great sites have permanent mooring buoys placed and maintained

gamefishing near Bimini. Hemingway hung out at The Compleat An- by commercial dive operators who welcome the use of the buoys

gler in Alice Town on North Bimini. The Compleat Angler was the by all boaters. Large schools of fish and other marine animals are

island hotspot on Saturday nights where a Calypso band played and attracted to the shallow waters around Bimini.
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