Page 252 - The British Big Four
P. 252
efore scuba diving in a blue hole it is of years to form, but a careless fin kick can
Ddestroy these structures. Always follow the
B important to understand the limitations iving and filming blue holes and cav-
established guidelines for cave diving and erns is an amazing experience. The
and risks. There are stark differences be-
tween scuba diving in the open ocean and maintain a maximum distance of 200 feet magnificent colors change as the sun sets
in a cave which has no direct access to the from an exit for breathing and in sight of a into different angles. The richness and tone
surface. Divers should be adequately certi- source of natural light. of the water can change depending on the
fied, have the correct equipment and be position of a camcorder to the angle of the
Iaccompanied by a dive master certified for sun. The interaction of water and light can
f you venture into a caven to the point create a truly remarkable viewing and film-
cave diving and knows the Cenote to be ex- you can no longer see any natural light
plored in detail. The floor of a Cenote is cov- you are now cave diving and this is a more ing experience. The mystic experience of
ered in fine silt. dangerous activity. Many of the caverns are diving in total darkness and no natural light
I t is important for divers to maintain their marked with “Stop” signs warning the ex- creates a feeling of excitement and fear at
buoyancy since any sudden movement can plorer to go no further. Many people have the same time. The color of the water can
become lost and drowned in these vast sys- change from a light green to a rich blue de-
cause sediment to rise and result in a quick tems. Cave diving is reason for many diving pending on the time of day.
whiteout and diver disorientation or cause related deaths. Cave diving should never be
damage to the fragile Stalacites and Sta- performed alone and always hire an expert
lagmites. These formations take thousands guide from a local dive operation.