Page 257 - The British Big Four
P. 257

very wall is similar, yet different: pro-  wall provide hiding places and living quar-    plummet directly into the great trenches
                                                ters for tunicates, mollusks, crinoids, crabs  thousands of feet deep that line the ar-
E file, shape, size and predominant colors      and other invertebrates of all sizes and       chipelago. The world famous Andros Wall
                                                shapes, plus, of course, sponges and coral.    dive experience ranges from shallow water,
vary from site to site. What makes Bahami-                                                     wreck and blue-hole dives to dramatic wall
an walls so special are several deep - very     M any walls are so heavily blanketed           dives off the 6,000-feet-deep Tongue of the
deep - basins across the Bahama Platform.               with marine life that you can spend    Ocean. About 1-1½ miles off the east coast
The one separating Eleuthera and South          an entire dive observing the tiny creatures    of Andros sits the Andros Barrier Reef, the
Abaco plunges three miles - almost triple       that inhabit just a few square yards of the    world’s fourth-largest barrier reef, measur-
the depth of Arizona’s Grand Canyon. The        wall. However, don’t become so engrossed       ing 190 miles long and home to more than
Exuma Sound, bordered by Exuma, Cat Is-         that you forget to occasionally glance over    160 species of coral and fish.
land and South Eleuthera, is just as deep.      your shoulder to see what might be passing
                                                by in the blue water behind you.               T hese spellbinding walls can run for hun-
O ne of the thrills of diving a wall is                                                             dreds of miles below the waters of the
        the marine life. The wall and the reef  T he Islands Of The Bahamas’ walls of-         Bahamas, diving down and often plunging
atop it serve as a barrier between deep,              fer breathtaking vistas, populated by    thousands of feet. Along these vertical es-
open ocean and the shallower, protected         colorful marine life. Whether inland or sub-   carpments, as you dive, Bahamas marine-
water on the shoreward side. Pelagics of-       merged in the sea, the incredible blue holes   life will surround you and you’ll encounter
ten emerge from the depths to feed on the       are the result of centuries of freshwater      beautiful tube sponges, a rainbow of hard
smaller fishes that inhabit shallower water.    dissolving and redepositing limestone. The     corals, enchanted hanging algae and ethe-
The wall itself provides domain for innu-       Bahama Walls, the most generally dramatic      real angelfish.
merable smaller creatures. The honeycomb        expression of the coral reef, will at times
of tiny cracks, crevices and holes that dot a
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