Page 254 - The British Big Four
P. 254
Top Five Blue Hole Dive Sites
L Oost Ocean Blue Hole (Nassau/New Providence) - this classic oce- cean Blue Hole (Andros) - Different from many, it is an opening
anic blue hole is about 80 feet in diameter, is bell-shaped and in the Andros wall, a spot where the wall has collapsed into a
drops to about 300 feet. Encircled by coral heads and populated by
schooling French angelfish, Nassau groupers, reef sharks and south- cavern/cave system. This huge system can be approached on many
ern stingrays, it is appropriate for virtually any certified diver. levels. Two primary openings at 60 feet lead into one cavern. An-
C rab Cat Crevasse (Southern Exumas) - Three separate openings other tunnel leads into a massive room with the ceiling at 140 feet
lead into an extensive cave system. Enter at about 20 feet and and the floor at 320 feet. For very advanced or professional divers,
the Level III dive enters a fracture in the wall at 190 feet, well above
you will soon find yourself in massive rooms. For safety, stay within the system’s maximum depth, and leads into the most complex por-
sight of light, as the complex system makes it very easy to become tion of the system.
disoriented. This is a slowly descending horizontal system. There are D ean’s Blue Hole (Long Island) - Near the south end of Long Is-
land, this is the deepest recorded blue hole, bottomed out by
a number of other blue holes in the immediate vicinity.
A ngelfish Blue Hole (Great Exuma) - This very accessible blue Jim King at 650 feet. It is a special excursion run by Stella Maris. Just
hole is classic, a 30-foot-wide circular opening in 25 feet of wa- inside the shoreline and just off the main road, it is classically beau-
ter, it drops at an angle to 90 feet and runs back 400 feet. It is named tiful -- clear water, dolphins, sharks and turtles are the rule.
for the large number of French and queen angelfish calling it home.