Page 323 - The British Big Four
P. 323

DOUBLE D - Located just offshore from the bird sanctuary on de-               waters are calm or when winds shift direction.
serted French Cay, Double D’s name comes from two large pinnacles             ROCK AND ROLL - The top of the wall is at 40 feet. Plenty of bar-
rising from the ocean floor. The wall here is a fairly gradual slope with     rel sponges, elkhorn and pillar coral. Juvenile barracuda and lobsters
a profuse carpet of corals along it’s entire length. The area around the      spotted during the day. This a great afternoon and night dive.
Double D pinnacles and the boat mooring is home to large numbers of           WEST SAND SPLITS - Located another 6 miles south east of French
jack, black durgon, and grouper.                                              Cay. Great to visit during whale season, but needs calm sea. The most
G SPOT - (named after the Gorgonion soft corals which abound).                spectacular sitting is the small sandy bar popping out in the middle of
You may be visited from the blue by pelagics. Barrel sponges, fans and        nowhere. You will find beautiful pristine coral formation, large pelagic
other hard and soft corals abound on the wall. Above the wall there is a      and sting ray. The wall starts around 60 feet, making it perfect for div-
wide variety of fish amongst the corals, including a large sting ray, yel-    ing in 45 to 50 feet deep. The wall is covered with huge coral forma-
low snappers, blue chromis, queen triggers, goat fish, cow fish, butter-      tions—pillar corals, barrel sponges and deep water gorgonians. Look
fly fish and rock beauties. Known for large school of horse eyed jacks        for nurse sharks, French angels, ocean triggerfish and huge stingrays.
and a large barracuda.                                                        This site is weather permitting.
HALF MILE REEF - As the name suggests, this reef is roughly half a
mile long and lies to the east of French Cay. A popular section of the
reef is located in a large bowl on the wall which tends to eliminate the
effects of currents encountered elsewhere on the reef. Large schools of
barracuda and mahogany snappers are always present and two large
(7-8 feet across) elephant ear sponges are found twenty feet apart at
the 85fsw contour.

MOLASSES WRECK REEF - Located a little west of French Cay, 1
mile of reef in open wall. Great chance for eagle ray and larger shark,
as it is uncharted. The wall starts around 55 feet, and is totally vertical.
Large gorgonians, cracks, and canyons that become great housing for
large Nassau groupers. At the wall’s top is a mixture of coral forma-
tions and sandy canyons with a lot of large barrel sponges. The shallow
reef is very pristine, full of life as it is totally uncharted. We can even
visit some remnants of ancient shipwrecks during our surface interval.
It is exposed to trade wind, therefore making it an adventure for when
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