Page 326 - The British Big Four
P. 326

Providenciales Dive Sites:                         Dick Hill Creek & Three Mary Cays Sanctuary
                                                   Bellfield Landing Pond
Eagle Ray Pass Amphitheatre                        Nature Reserve                   Pumpkin Bluff
Coral Gables The Dome                                                           Pond Nature Reserve
                                        Fort George
Graceland  The Crack                    Land & Sea          SANDY          WHITBEY       GREENWICH                                                    Franko’s
Grouper Hole Black Coral Forest        National Park        POINT
                                                                           Flamingo          Bay Cay  East Bay Islands                        TURKS & CAICOS
Aquarium   Hole-in-the-Wall                        Parrot Cay                                          National Park                                  "Beautiful by Nature, Clean by Choice"
Shark Hotle Stairway                                                            Pond
                                                Dellis Cay                 KEW                                                                   Coral Reef Creatures
   Northwest Point                     Ft. George Cay                                            Spanish Point                                   Identification Guide
Marine National Park                                                                             East Bay Cay Conch Bar Caves
                                                                                                           National Park                                 Fits 3-Ring Binder Dive Log
    Northwest Point    Northwest Point Pine Cay                                 BOTTLE
Marine Nature Reserve
                               Princess Alexandra                               CREEK
   Pigeon Pond &
 Frenchman's Creek               Land & Sea               Water Cay             PINEYARD         CONCH               BAMBARRA
                                National Park                                                     BAR
   Nature Reserve           BLUE                             Cottage Pond                READY
                            HILLS                           Nature Reserve               MONEY                                  Joe
       Chalk Sound                                                                                                             Grants
      National Park                        THE                      North Caicos                           LORIMERS

                                       BIGHT       Princess Alexandra
                               FIVE Land & Sea Nature Resrve
                                                                                  The Creeks                       Big
                               CAYS Providenciales                                                                Pond

                 Sapodilla Hill        Cheshire Hall Plantation North, Middle & East Caicos           Ocean Hole                                         Cape Comete
           Area of Historical Interst
                                       Area of Historical Interest       Nature Reserve                                                        Flamingo                                          KEY:
                                                                    (International Ramsar Site)                                                   48m                                     Favorite SCUBA Diving
Middle Caicos East CaicosYANKEE
                                                                                                                                                                                          Excellent Snorkeling
Lake Catherine                 West Caicos                                                                 Vine Point
Nature Reserve                 Dive Sites:                                                            (Man 'O War Bush)

      West Caicos              Everett's Abyss                                                          & Ocean Hole
Marine National Park           Tons of Sponges                                                          Nature Reserve
West Caicos West Caicos Channel
                               CaiElephant Ear Canyon                                                                          Hog Cay
cos BFossil Reef
                               Gulies                                                                                                                                 TPuraksssaIsgleand
                               TURKanRock Garden
                                                                                                                                                         Plandon Cay
 kMolasses Wreck Reef

ISLANDSSouthArea of Historical Interest
                               The Anchor                                                                                 Bell Sound    Stake Bank
                               Sunday Service                                                                           Nature Reserve
                                                          CARIBBEAN SEA

                                                                                TURKS & CAICOS                                     COCKBURN              Caicos                            Columbus Landfall
                                                                                                                                   HARBOUR                                                Marine National Park

                                                French Cay                                                               Middleton Cay                                                    Grand Turk

Hawksbill Turtle                  French Cay                                                                         Six Hill Cay              Long Cay  Grand Turk                       COCKBURN TOWN          Gibbs
          Green Sea Turtle        Dive Sites:                                                                                                            Dive Sites:                                              Cay
                                                                                                                  Admiral Cockburn                                                           South Creek
                                   Half Mile Reef                                                                  Nature Reserve                        Aquarium                          National Park
                                   G Spot                                                                                                                Gorgonian Wall
                                   Rock & Roll                                                                                                           McDonald's                       Grand Turks Cays Long
                                   Double D                                                     SCALE                    Admiral Cockburn                Amphitheatre                     Land & Sea            Cay East
                                                                                         0 48                        Land & Sea National Park            Annex                            National Park
                               West Sand Spit                                                                                                            Finbars Reef                                            Cay
                                                                                                   Miles                                                                                             Cotton Cay
                                                                                             048                                        Fish Cays        Black Forest

                                                                                               Kilometers         Ambergris Cays                         The Anchor                                           Martin Alonzo
                                                                                                                                                         The Library                                            Pinzon Cay
                                                                                                                                                         Cables                           BALFOUR
                                                                                                                                                         Coral Gardens                      TOWN         Salt Cay
                                                                                                                                                         Coral Canyons
                                       Blacktip Reef Shark                                            Ambergris Cay                   Big Ambergris Cay  Tunnels
                                                                                                                                                                                          Salt Cay Area
           Triton's            Southern Stingray                     Nurse Shark                                               Atlantic Ocean            English Radar of Hictorical Interest
           Trumpet                                                                                                                                       South Dock
                                                                                                                                                         Tiki Hut                         Mouchoir Passage

                       Hermit                      Queen                                                Seal Cays                   Bush Cay               HMS Endymion Wreck                      Big Sand Cay
                        Crab                       Conch                                                                                                 Area of Historical Interest                Sanctuary

                                                                     Copyright 2010 by Frank M. Nielsen Franko Maps Ltd.                                              Big Sand Cay
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