Page 327 - The British Big Four
P. 327

Like many of the larger islands in the Turks and Caicos, West Caicos        GULLIES – Depth 50-70 feet. The Gully gets its name from a cut in
has several natural shallow salt water ponds. In the mid-1800s, salt        the reef that forms two distinct sections before dropping off vertically.
production was the major industry in the Turks and Caicos and inter-        The wall begins in about 50 feet and the top of the wall is a dense coral
est was shown in developing the salt salinas of West Caicos. Because        reef with many cleaning stations. Divers begin by swimming through
of the extent of the natural ponds, the total potential output could        this cut and dropping onto the wall at 85 feet. The vertical wall here
have been greater than the other salt producing islands in the country.     has many undercuts covered in sponges, black corals and long tenta-
However, as time went on demand generally switched to less expensive        cled anemones. If you’re real lucky, you may see a redbanded lobster
mined salt, and the industry collapsed in the Turks and Caicos before       at about 75 feet.
anything was carried out. At this time, no regular boat cruises or ferry    ROCK GARDEN - The wall is divided into sections with large and
services are offered to West Caicos. Dive boats often visit the excellent   beautiful sponge formations. Encounter friendly turtles and spotted
reefs around the island, but only private vessels tend to land, usually     scorpion fish. The sand flat on top of the wall has several nice coral
on day trips. To visit West Caicos, it will probably be necessary to ar-    heads and garden eels.
range a custom charter through one of the local the local dive or wa-       SOUTHWEST REEFS – Depth 50-70 feet. This reef has a deeper wall
tersports operators. Such a trip will probably be expensive compared        beginning between 50-70 feet. The wall is vertical with enormous bar-
to the other boat excursions available.                                     rel sponge, deep water gorgonians and frequent sightings of shark and
DRIVEAWAY - Depth 40-100 feet . A sand area with scattered coral            eagle ray. This reef is exposed to tide winds most of the year, which
heads lies under the mooring in about 40 feet of water and leads into a     makes the top condition pretty bumpy. However, it is a perfect destina-
sand chute that heads down through the reef from 50 feet to a ledge at      tion when the weather turns around and winds blow from the North
about 80-100 feet where the wall drops vertically to the deep. All along    & Northwest. The 1-1/2 mile reef protects these pristine vertical walls,
the wall, as at many of the sites at West Caicos, divers will find black    which are very vertical, with a hard bottom and sandy canyon. At
coral and purple tube sponges, with yellow-headed jawfish, golden-          Southwest Reef, there are incredible barrel sponges and great chances
tailed morays, groupers, black durgons. The ledge area features some        of seeing eagle ray, sharks and other large pelagic. The reef protecting
excellent growth of plate and star corals.                                  these walls is spectacular, thus making it a great location to anchor
ELEPHANT EAR CHANNEL - Depth 40-90 feet. Named after the                    for exploration in between dives. There you will find some unspoiled
largest known orange elephant ear sponge in the Turks and Caicos. It’s      elkhorn coral formations with their abundant life.
a huge one.......nearly 11 feet in diameter and almost perfectly round.
The top of the reef starts in 40 feet of water where coral heads are scat-
tered amongst sand chutes that extend down the reef. The sponge is
located at the foot of the sand chutes in 95 feet of water.
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