Page 419 - The British Big Four
P. 419
Princess Louise, daughter of Queen Victoria, is credited with putting became apprehensive about the political and economic cost of inde-
Bermuda on the tourist map after paying an extended visit to the is- pendence. Two weeks later they did, at least, regain control of 10% of
lands in 1883. The princess was the wife of the Governor General of the island’s land mass when post-Cold War military cutbacks resulted
Canada and was keen to escape the long Canadian winter. By the turn in the closure of the US base on the island. In 1998 the PLP’s Jennifer
of the century, Bermuda was well on the way to becoming a fashion- Smith was selected as premier, replacing the UBP’s Pamela Gordon,
able winter destination for ‘snow birds,’ who flocked aboard steamers who was Bermuda’s first female premier and the youngest person ever
crossing regularly from New York to Hamilton. to hold the office.
Bermuda’s strategic location in the Atlantic secured it a role in Allied Seen from above the ocean’s surface, the general characteristic of the
military and intelligence operations in WWII. However, its proxim- islands is that of ridges, running from the North East to the South
ity to the US mainland made it inevitable that the US take primary West, before turning towards the North. Together with the submerged,
responsibility for developing bases on the island. Much to the locals’ encircling reef, they form the edge of a volcanic caldera, to the south
consternation, the British subsequently signed a 99-year lease handing of which the islands lie. The islands enclose a smaller caldera, which
over substantial portions of Bermuda’s territory to the US military. The forms the Great Sound, and another forms Harrington Sound. It is
US constructed an air base on St David’s Island, where the internation- believed that the volcano was formed on the fault line from which the
al airport is now located. In the wake of WWII, women were given the Atlantic oceanic tectonic plates expand, pushing the Old and New
right to vote and, after boycotts, some of the franchise qualifications Worlds away from each other and forming the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
restricting the power of black voters were removed. In 1963 the Pro- It has also been theorized that the volcano was formed by a hotspot.
gressive Labour Party was introduced, in part to represent the interests Therefore, the volcanic sea mountain first formed from the mid-Atlan-
of nonwhite Bermudians in the face of a government almost totally tic ridge approximately 100 million years ago. Through the processes
made up of white landowners. The rest of the parliamentarians united of plate tectonics and sea floor spreading, this volcano moved to the
to form the United Bermuda Party. The two parties worked together west of the mid-Atlantic ridge and became extinct.
to produce the 1968 constitution which provided for full internal self Bermuda now sits far to the west of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in foothills
government, while leaving security, defense and diplomatic affairs to that once were the ridge. This is because it is far older than other is-
the crown. lands formed on the ridge, which lie much closer to the ridge (includ-
Although Bermuda had long prided itself on the relative harmony of ing Iceland, The Azores, Ascension Island, etc.). There are also three
its race relations, riots and race antagonism in the 1970s resulted in the seamounts, two to the South-West of Bermuda, forming Argus Banks,
removal of all de facto discrimination and the beginning of talks on and Challenger Banks, with a third, the Bowditch Seamount to the
independence from Britain. In the decades that have followed since, north. None breaks the surface of the ocean, but all support coral reefs
the independence movement became the dominant political issue, but and are popular fishing grounds.
a referendum in 1995 failed by a two-thirds majority as Bermudians