Page 421 - The British Big Four
P. 421

An application to extend length of stay must be made in person with an                   H.m. cusToms, Bermuda                                                           misuse of drugs acT
Immigration Senior Inspector on arrival or at Immigration Headquarters in
the City of Hamilton between 9:00 a.m. and noon on any working day – no                  Visitors entering Bermuda may bring in for their personal use and consumption:  Importation of, possession of, or dealing with unlawful drugs (including
appointment required.                                                                                                                                                    marijuana) is an offence. Anyone contravening this Act may be imprisoned or
                                                                                         Duty free: personal clothing and effects including sports equipment,            fined heavily, or both. The Government of Bermuda is very concerned about
Passengers who arrive with only a one-way ticket into Bermuda will not be                cameras, golf bags, etc., also, 50 cigars, 200 cigarettes, .5 kgs (1.1 lbs)     the scourge of drugs and the negative impact it can have on the community.
admitted unless prior Bermuda Immigration authorisation has been given.                  tobacco, 1 litre liquor, 1 litre wine, and a $30 gift allowance. Also, you may  The laws in Bermuda pertaining to the importation of drugs are designed to
People wishing to enter Bermuda for the purpose of residence, employ-                    purchase duty free items upon landing at L.F. Wade International Airport.       protect the local people as well as the visitor. We urge visitors not to try to
ment or for an indefinite period, will not be permitted to land unless they                                                                                               import into these islands any drugs, or any uncustomed goods for that
have prior authorisation from Bermuda Department of Immigration                          Dutiable items: Most goods in excess of reliefs are dutiable at the rate of     matter, as such action could cause embarrassment at Bermuda’s L.F. Wade
authorities to do so.                                                                    25% of the value. Persons may import up to 20 lbs (9.08 kgs) of meat            International Airport or seaports and ruin what should be the start of a very
                                                                                         without a meat inspection certificate.                                           enjoyable holiday. The penalties for smuggling are severe.
Visas. Nationals of the following countries require Bermuda entry Visas:
Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Angola; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain;                     Do not import plants, fruits, vegetables or animals without an import           Note: Under the Revenue Act Customs Officers may, if they have reasonable cause to
Bangladesh; Belarus; Bolivia; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Burma;                       permit from the Department of Environmental Protection. All plants, fruits      suspect the importation of drugs, conduct personal body searches for drugs and other
Burundi; Cambodia; Cameroon; China (Peoples’ Republic of)*; Colombia;                    and vegetables will be held for inspection as their importation is strictly     uncustomed goods. Visitors may import doctor prescribed medicines in quantities
Congo (Brazaville); Congo (Kinsasha); Côte d’lvoire; Croatia; Cuba; Cyprus;              regulated.                                                                      sufficient for their stay.
Republic of (northern part of); Djibouti; Dominican Republic; Ecuador;
Egypt; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Gambia; Georgia; Ghana; Guinea-Bissau; Guinea                  s
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