Page 424 - The British Big Four
P. 424

Corals reefs, which protect the soft, limestone coastlines from wave-       and gusty showers that sometimes contain small hail. Sub-freezing (32
erosion, are protected by law. The island is thinly covered by a red soil,  F.) temperatures officially have never been observed in Bermuda, the
high in iron, but low in magnesium. Yellowish leaf color of plants in       strong winds following winter-season cold fronts can result in wind
many areas of the island is a result of the low levels of magnesium,        chill values dramatically below actual air temperatures. While precipi-
which is used in producing chlorophyll. Due to the lime content of          tation is fairly evenly distributed through the year, it is somewhat less
the stone on which it sits, the soil is also very alkaline. In most parts   reliable in April and May, Bermuda’s driest months on average, when
of Bermuda, the soil is rarely more than a few inches deep, though, in      the Bermuda-Azores High can bring extended dry spells.
some low-lying, inland areas it has collected quite deeply. At one point,   Bermuda’s weather is largely controlled by the position and structure
the land mass of Bermuda was about 200 square miles (520 km2), large        of the Bermuda-Azores High. This semi-permanent, warm, subtropi-
enough to allow the genetic diversity for many plants and animals that      cal high pressure (often centered southwest of the Azores) extends a
established themselves to develop into unique species and sub-species.      ridge westward toward Bermuda during the spring and summer when
Because the limestone cap is porous, rainwater quickly sinks through it     the high is most intense. Oriented west-to-east to the near south of
and there are no permanent streams, or standing bodies of freshwater.       Bermuda, clockwise flow around the surface high brings prevailing
A well sunk anywhere in Bermuda will find water as soon as it reaches       winds from the southwest for much of the summer and subsequently
sea level (the water table). Unfortunately, this water is brackish, since   prevents fronts from reaching the island. Because Bermuda is over
the rainwater filtering down from above mixes with sea water from           1000 km away from the nearest land, even Polar and Arctic air masses
below. Due to the high porosity of the limestone, there are few avail-      following wintertime cold fronts are moderated greatly by the rela-
able freshwater lenses that are fully unmixed with salt water.[citation     tively warm Gulf Stream and western Atlantic Ocean waters between
needed] Despite the apparent lack of fresh groundwater, Bermuda is          North America and Bermuda.
lush and green, a result of the consistent, high levels of rainfall. Ber-   A local weather phenomenon that occurs mainly in late summer is
muda’s human inhabitants traditionally collect water from the roofs of      colloquially known as “Morgan’s Cloud”. On otherwise fair, hot sum-
their houses, and hillsides surfaced as catchments,                         mer days with light southwesterly winds, convective clouds can de-
Bermuda is located in the Subtropics and has a humid subtropical cli-       velop along the length of the island and blow to the northeast growing.
mate. Bermuda experiences hot and humid summers with the major-             In extreme cases, this cloud formation can develop into heavy showers
ity of precipitation falling from isolated showers and thunderstorms.       and thunderstorms and it has been known to produce funnel clouds
Occasional Tropical Waves and Tropical Cyclones can also play a role        and waterspouts in the eastern parishes.
in summertime precipitation totals when they exit the tropics. Winters
are mild, with temperatures rarely falling below 10 °C (50 °F). Precipi-
tation in wintertime is controlled by sometimes frequent fronts mov-
ing eastward from the North American continent. During the peak of
winter in Bermuda, these fronts can be followed by northwesterly gales
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