Page 425 - The British Big Four
P. 425

Key Historical Dates

1998 - Jennifer Smith elected as first PLP premier.                       Chinese prisoners from the US prison in Guantanamo Bay.

2002 May - British Overseas Territories Act grants full British citizen-  KEY TOURIST INFORMATION
ship to Bermudians.                                                       Nightlife in Bermuda - Bermuda’s nightlife is essentially about bars
2003 September - Hurricane Fabian, worst storm in 50 years, sweeps        & pubs, and a few nightclubs where mostly the young crowd would
across Bermuda with winds of up to 125 mph. Royal Navy task force         dance away to the wee hours to DJs or live music, and of course with
heads out to offer assistance.                                            drinks. However during summer (May through October), the island
2004 December - Anti-Terrorism Act passed, aiming to stop terrorists      hosts several nighttime festivals and entertainment programs. One
from using offshore finance industry.                                     of the most popular being the Harbor Nights held at Hamilton City
Premier announces formation of Bermuda Independence Commis-               where the whole of Front Street gets busy with festive mood with large
sion; new body is to debate cutting ties with Britain.                    number of vendors of all kinds including food sellers. Go through Ber-
2006 October - Ewart Brown becomes prime minister following a             muda’s Nightlife for full info.
leadership challenge within the ruling Progressive Labour Party.          Shopping in Bermuda - Bermuda is an expensive island as almost eve-
2007 December - The PLP wins a third straight term in office.             rything is imported. But items like local handicrafts including glass-
2008 November - Britain says it is to conduct a review of the finance     wares & ceramic items, artwork from local artists, cedar items, and
industry in Bermuda and other overseas territories. The Bermudian         many small gifts & souvenirs including jewelry items are quite inno-
premier says the planned investigation is an insult to the territory.     vative. The primary shopping hubs are in Hamilton City (mostly on
                                                                          Front Street, Washington Mall and nearby), Dockyard (Clocktower
                                                                          Mall, Bermuda Art Center, Glassworks, Clayworks etc), and St. George
                                                                          (Somer’s Wharf and on Water Street). Visit Shopping in Bermuda to
                                                                          know what to buy and the best stores.

2009 June - Bermuda added to OECD’s “white list” of countries com-
plying with internationally agreed tax standards, after signing infor-
mation exchange agreements with several countries.

2009 June - Premier Brown causes a stir by agreeing to take in four
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