Page 426 - The British Big Four
P. 426

Internet, Phones, Currency, ATMs, Post Offices - There are quite a few
internet cafes and wi-fi access points in Bermuda. The whole of Hamil-
ton City and Dockyard are wi-fi enabled. Although several restaurants
and of course hotels offer wi-fi to their guests who avail their services,
there are very few places where wi-fi is free. Visit Bermuda Internet
Access to get full info including location, rates etc. Tele Communi-
cation infrastructure in Bermuda is highly advanced and all options
including roaming, calling cards, mobile rentals, public telephone
booths are available. V
Bermuda currency is treated at par with US currency. US currency can
be freely used everywhere in the island in lieu of Bermuda currency.
However the ATMs dispense only Bermuda notes. Also note that buses
and ferries will take cash in either currency but only in exact change.
Check out Bermuda Currency & ATMs to get full information about
Bermuda’s currency and location of ATMs in the island. While use of
post offices are in the decline, they are very useful when it comes to
buying booklet of tickets for buses and ferries. Other than few places
like Hamilton ferry and bust terminals, post offices are authorized to
sell booklet of 15 tickets.
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