Page 427 - The British Big Four
P. 427

The Coral Reefs of Bermuda

The isolated location of Bermuda has had a marked effect on the corals        Located at 32°N, Bermuda’s coral reefs are unique as they are the most
that surround the island. At a latitude of 32°N, Bermuda barely makes         northern massive coral reefs in the Atlantic Ocean. As a seamount,
it into the acceptable temperature range for coral growth. Bermuda            Bermuda rises steeply up from the depths. The coral reefs of Bermuda
lies at a similar latitude to Savannah, Georgia on the east coast of the      created both a fixed point for reference and a navigational hazard for
USA, where it is far too cold for corals. Bermuda’s warmer than usual         early mariners. Bermuda’s reefs capture the attention of wreck divers;
waters, for its latitude, are due to the Gulf Stream, a huge ocean cur-       over 300 ships have wrecked. Corals thrive in clean clear warm water
rent that flows north from the Caribbean, up the Eastern seaboard of          and prefer temperatures of 25-29°C (77-85° F). The small islands of
the USA and past Bermuda. It provides a continual source of warm              Bermuda are surrounded by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. Ap-
seawater and with it sub-tropical climate conditions. The Gulf Stream         proximately 570 miles east of North Carolina, Bermuda is far from
also brings a collection of Caribbean floating terrestrial and marine         major sources of pollution. The constant supply of clean warm water
organisms, including coral larvae. The incredibly long journey means          allows corals to proliferate much farther north then they otherwise
most coral larvae do not make it, while others cannot withstand the           would be able to live. Offshore average monthly water temperatures
colder temperatures as they move north. Therefore, the small subset of        range from 18°C (68°F) in the winter to 28°C (83°F) in the summer.
corals that do grow in Bermuda, are at their northern-most limit and          Due to lower winter temperatures than in the Caribbean, Bermuda’s
show a much lower species diversity than their counterparts growing           reefs have only about 1/3 of the species of hard corals found in the
in the Caribbean region.                                                      Caribbean.

The Gulf Stream appears to have brought coral larvae to Bermuda for           The Bermuda government has been fairly progressive in its legislation
millions of years and coral reefs were among the first ecosystems that        to protect Bermuda’s reefs. Conservation has a long history in Ber-
developed around this isolated island. These coral reefs were impor-          muda, the first conservation laws in the New World were past here in
tant in assisting the development of shallow-water, and then land habi-       1616 and 1620 to protect sea turtles. All corals are protected in Bermu-
tats, in the area. Over 1000’s of years the sea rose and fell, as sea levels  da and there are fishing restrictions as well. Bermuda has 29 marine
rose some reefs struggled to keep up and ‘drowned in the dark’, and           protected areas for divers to enjoy, many of them centered on wrecks.
then the sea levels fell leaving some reefs exposed, again some reefs         Each of these sites has an established mooring which eliminates the
perished during this event. It was the continual flow of coral larvae         need to anchor and potentially damage the corals.
that rode the Gulf Stream which rejuvenated the reefs, making them
the impressive sights we have been surveying on the Catlin Seaview
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