Page 436 - The British Big Four
P. 436

Bermuda Dive Guide Map - Side 1

Franko’s Bermuda Guide & Dive Map shows the locations and de-           this world-class destination is. You will fall in love with Bermuda just
scriptions of all of Bermuda’s fine golf courses and beaches. Visitors  by studying Franko’s Bermuda Guide & Dive Map! Enjoy your trip
also enjoy snorkelling and scuba diving Bermuda’s shipwrecks and        to Bermuda!
coral reefs. Franko’s Bermuda Adventure and Dive Guide shows Ber-       Side 1 of Franko’s Bermuda Guide & Dive Map - This side of the map
muda’s best snorkelling spots, and has a comprehensive map of all of    is the everything-you-need-to-know guide to visiting Bermuda. All
Bermuda’s shipwrecks and coral reefs, with full descriptions of every   of its attractions, transportation, facts and figures are on side 1. Ber-
famous site. Of particular interest to Franko is that Bermuda is fa-    muda’s two main towns, St. George’s and Hamilton, are also detailed,
mously noted amongst divers for having the “world’s best wreck div-     so visitors can easily and immediately see the things to see and do
ing”, with five centuries of shipwrecks strewn all around the island’s  as they walk about the towns. This map is a virtual pictorial guide
treacherous encircling reef. That means that not only is Bermuda        book to Bermuda, with over 5,500 words and 20 photographs on side
full of interesting history above the water, but below the water it is  1 alone to explain every historic site, the golf courses, scenic sites, the
even more interesting. Bermuda is also famous for having the north-     best beaches, favorite snorkelling spots, and Bermuda’s color-coded
ernmost coral reefs in the world, with many of the same fish, corals,   transportation system of buses and ferries. The following caption
sponges and invertebrates as the Caribbean Sea, 1,000 miles to the      from side 1 of Franko’s Bermuda Guide & Dive Map will give you an
southwest. Regardless of why you travel to Bermuda, you must snor-      idea of what is on the map:
kel these pristine, fish-filled waters. For others Bermuda is a place   “CLEARWATER BEACH Cooper’s Island connects with St. David’s
to gather for weddings or to have a perfect honeymoon, and a few        Island via a bridge of man-made land, piled here in the building of
smart business people schedule their business meetings and confer-      Bermuda’s runways. This also created two beaches, which have since
ences in Bermuda. Franko’s Bermuda Guide & Dive Map shows these         become part of a lovely beach park. Snorkelers enjoy calm waters
folks all of the favorite things to see and do while they are visiting  and almost always find sea turtles grazing in the sea grasses off-shore.
Bermuda. When you visit Bermuda, using Franko’s Bermuda Guide           This is a common spot for music festivals and church parties.”
& Dive Map, of course, you will also find that 68,000 smiling Bermu-
dians, who all speak English, but with a certain Bermudian lilt, are
thrilled to welcome you and share their island. They love to spread
the good will of their unique upbeat multiracial heritage. Bermudians
are the friendliest mixture of people on earth. However, a word of
caution is warranted….If you study Franko’s Bermuda Guide & Dive
Map it will cause you to go to Bermuda! You will not be able to resist
Bermuda’s call, because the map proves how amazing and interesting
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