Page 440 - The British Big Four
P. 440

DEVONSHIRE BAY This bay is surrounded by rocks that make a                TUCKER’S POINT GOLF CLUB This resort-style championship golf
great home for assorted invertebrates and tropical fish. The snorkeling   course features fabulous views of turquoise waters and the surround-
is great.                                                                 ing countryside. 18 holes, par 70, 6,361 yards.

PALM GROVE GARDENS This private residence of Sir David Bib-               KING’S CASTLE This fort is reachable only by boat, but getting to
bons is open to the public to enjoy the gardens and a Bermuda relief      see the oldest masonry English building in the Americas (1612!), and
map in a pond. Monday through Thursdays.                                  the first stone structure ever built in Bermuda is extremely special. It
VERDMONT MUSEUM Built in 1710, this Georgian-style house has              served for two centuries to defend Castle Harbour’s entrance.
no electricity or modern amenities. Today you’ll see antique furniture,   CLEARWATER BEACH Cooper’s Island connects with St. David’s
a fabulous cedar staircase, porcelain, and a children’s playroom com-     Island via a bridge of man-made land, piled here in the building of
plete with original furniture and toys.                                   Bermuda’s runways. This also created two beaches, which have since
KITEBOARDING There are several great beaches to kiteboard                 become part of a lovely beach park. Snorkelers enjoy calm waters and
around Bermuda, including Shelly Bay, Elbow Beach, Warwick Long           almost always find sea turtles grazing in the sea grasses offshore. This
Bay Beach, Long Bay Beach, Horseshoe Beach, Somerset Long Bay             is a common spot for music festivals and church parties.
and Grape Bay Beach. But there are restrictions and rules. Check          POPPLE FORT This fort was carved from bedrock in 1730 to pro- out the official website of the Bermuda Kiteboarding As-       tect the channel into St. George’s Harbour. Access by foot from nearby
sociation.                                                                parks or St. David’s Cricket Field.

DEVIL’S HOLE AQUARIUM Come and fish without a hook at Ber-                FORT CUNNINGHAM Originally built in the 1820’s, it is the only
muda’s first and oldest tourist attraction. You’ll likely see angelfish,  fort with wrought iron frontages. Boat accessible only.
parrotfish, moray eels, and sea turtles.                                  GATES FORT A gate house, gun rampart and block house date to the
JOHN SMITH’S BAY Lifeguards watch over you from April through             late 1700’s. Today the town crier greets cruise ships entering this chan-
October in this handicap-convenient beach. The reef snorkeling is just    nel, which was widened for large ships in the 1920’s.
50 meters out and it is usually calm with exceptional water clarity.      ST. CATHERINE’S FORT Built by Bermuda’s first settlers in 1614,
MID OCEAN GOLF CLUB This highly-rated golf course requires an             right where they first came ashore in 1609. Audio visual displays tell
introduction by a member to play it, and features spectacular views.      the story, plus there is a weapons collection and a replica of Britain’s
18 holes, par 71, 6,547 yards.                                            Crown Jewels.
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