Page 437 - The British Big Four
P. 437

There are still 10,500 more words to read to learn all about Bermuda of    “CRISTÓBOL COLÓN” (1936) This beautiful 10,833-ton, 499’
Franko’s Bermuda Guide & Dive Map. Plus, remember that “a picture          (152m) Spanish Luxury Liner was built in 1923, and is the largest
tells 1,000 words”, and realize that there are over 20 photographs on      shipwreck in Bermuda. She had a full crew of 160, but no passengers
side 1 of Franko’s Bermuda Guide & Dive Map, plus the whole map            when she ran high and upright onto the reef at 15 knots. North Rock’s
itself is the finest picture of them all. This Franko Map captures what    light was out of commission at the time. The IRISTO steamed into the
Bermuda is all about – it is an amazing compilation of information,        rocks the next year, believing the
laid out on a handy, waterproof, durable synthetic map, which meas-        COLÓN to be a ship under way. The U.S. Military used her for tar-
ures 18.5 inches x 26.5 inches, folding to 4.42 inches x 9.25 inches. The  get practice during WWII, so she is fully destroyed, with half on one
color and beauty of this map is unique to Franko Maps, and this is the     side of the reef, and half on the other, all ranging from 15’ (5m) to 60’
best and most interesting map of Bermuda ever produced. The inspir-        (18m) depth.”
ing hues of ocean blue and the rolling hills shown in hand-rendered
green shaded relief exclaims, “I love Bermuda!”

Side 2 of Franko’s Bermuda Guide & Dive Map - This is the dive side of     There are 59 more dive site captions, and 5,000 more words of dive site
the map, with five dozen of Bermuda’s most famous and popular wreck        descriptions on Franko’s Bermuda Guide & Dive Map. After you study
and reef dives accurately located with over 5,000 words of descriptive     this map you will see why proud Bermudians claim that they host the
details. Combined with side 1 there are a total of 10,650 words on         “world’s best shipwreck diving”. Taking a look at the title block of side
Franko’s Bermuda Guide & Dive Map! The basic dive map itself is            2 you will note that the caption proclaims, “The World’s Best Ship-
identical to the map on side 1, but it is zoomed-out to display a larger   wreck Diving”. Bermudians indeed have an excellent case that these
area to encompass the surrounding Bermudian reef, and all of the           dangerous waters are number one in their variety of diveable wrecks.
things to see and do information is replaced with locations and details    This comes from five centuries of mariners running into deep trouble
all about Bermuda’s most famous and popular dive sites. Bermuda’s          on Bermuda’s treacherous reefs. Although Bermuda is subtropical in
reef is infamous in that it has claimed hundreds of ships and boats        climate, much of the underwater allure is that Bermuda also enjoys
- from Spanish galleons to modern yachts and fishing boats – over          the northernmost coral reefs in the world, which are inhabited by
five centuries of history. This Franko Map locates and describes the       multitudes of tropical Caribbean reef creatures. As on other Franko
most interesting and accessible ones which Bermuda dive operators          Maps, 100-plus reef creatures are depicted on this side of the map. The
take you to, or which you can reach from shore. With such a long list      Franko-style of showing reef creatures on maps adds stunning color
of sunken ships and boats on such a huge reef, one wonders, “What          and attraction to the map. Descending hues of blue waters shows the
ships and what treasures have not yet been discovered?” As for the         depth contours, accurately replicating government charts of Bermu-
ships that have been found, and as for the ones that are of interest       da’s waters. is also an excellent dive guide for Bermuda.
to Bermuda’s visitors, this map captures them all. An example of the
wreck dive site descriptions is as follows:
   432   433   434   435   436   437   438   439   440   441   442