Page 442 - The British Big Four
P. 442

ACHILLES BAY Conveniently close to St. George’s Town and Fort                GLE DIVING here.
St. Catherine, this bay has calm waters and a view of the vast North         CRYSTAL CAVES & FANTASY CAVES Crystal Caves was discovered
Atlantic. There is nothing between here and Nova Scotia. St. George’s        in 1904 by two 12-year-old boys searching for their cricket ball. These
Island is shaped like a foot, and this bay is the achilles.                  caves have been a tourist attraction since 1907. What you can explore
TOBACCO BAY This bay has calm waters thanks to a breakwater and              here is just a fraction of the limestone caves that perforate Bermuda.
an islet blocking the incoming waves. Snorkelers enjoy good visibility       Neighboring Fantasy Cave is right next to the beautiful Crystal Caves,
in shallow water.                                                            but it is 88 steps deeper.

RAILWAY TRAIL In 1931 the Bermuda Railway was completed as                   SHELLY BAY Beautiful crescent beach with shallow water and all
the most expensive piece of railway mile-per-mile in the world, just         kinds of facilities, including rentals and snacks plus excellent handicap
in time for the great depression. The economy shut it down before it         accessibility. Perfect family spot for visitors and local folks. Adjacent
could ever get going. By 1948 the rails had all been yanked out and          to mangrove, which make for terrific bird watching. This bay is good
shipped off to British Guiana, and the “Old Rattle and Shake” was of-        for snorkelling, but if it is windy, the kiteboarders dominate the scene.
ficially a riding, walking, and bicycling trail. The trail extends 21 miles  RAILWAY MUSEUM & CURIOSITY SHOP This small museum
across Bermuda, although it is not exactly continuous. Main roads can        features photos and memorabilia from Bermuda’s old railway system,
be followed where there are gaps. Equestrians and mountain bikers            which was dubbed “Old Rattle and Shake.”
join walkers and bird watchers along the Railway Trail.

FERRY POINT MAGAZINE Built from soft Bermuda stone in the                    OLD DEVONSHIRE CHURCH This church is believed to have origi-
1820’s, this magazine with its courtyard wall was used to store gun-         nally been built in the 17th century, and had to be reconstructed after
powder.                                                                      a 1970 explosion. Some items survived the blast, including silver that
MARTELLO TOWER Accessible by foot, this tower was built to pre-              dates to the 16th century.
vent an attack of St. George’s Island. Built in the 1820’s.                  OCEAN VIEW GOLF COURSE This popular and challenging course
FERRY ISLAND FORT Built in the early 1800’s, all that remains of             features fabulous north shore ocean views. 9 holes, par 35, 2,940 yards.
this fort is an old deteriorating ferry dock.                                BERMUDA NATIONAL STADIUM This 8,500-seat stadium is used
BLUE HOLE WATERSPORTS Enjoy a day on the water with a kayak,                 by the Bermuda Hogges pro soccer team, plus cricket matches.
sun cat, windsurfer or a Boston Whalers with complimentary snorkel
gear. Located at Grotto Bay Beach Hotel. 293-2915 Also find TRIAN-
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