Page 447 - The British Big Four
P. 447

ST. PETER’S CHURCH Built in 1713,this is the oldest Anglican               the 1870s, and it was never finished. Beautiful ruins remain, with the
place of worship in the Western Hemisphere. Some headstones in the         sky as the ceiling and grass as the floor.
churchyard are nearly 300 years old.                                       One of the more useful bits of information on the face of Franko’s Ber-
BERMUDA PERFUMERY Buy fragrant favorites, made here on the                 muda Guide and Dive Map is in regard to transportation. Bus routes
island. Local flowers and citrus influence the beautiful perfumes.         and ferry routes are shown. It is of note that there are no rental cars
BERMUDA NATIONAL TRUST MUSEUM Learn all about Bermu-                       on Bermuda, so Bermuda’s ferries and buses are important to travelers
da’s activities of the U.S. Civil War in the early 1860’s, when Confeder-  and locals alike. Here is the getting around Bermuda by ferry info:
ate boats came here to elude the Union blockade. Get a Confederate         THE BERMUDA FERRY Visit for details.
Seal from the original press of the Confederate States of America.         PINK ROUTE HAMILTON-PAGET-WARWICK Visitors and resi-
TUCKER HOUSE MUSEUM This house was built in the mid-18th                   dents who are near Harbour Road cruise these delightful routes year-
century, and was home to Henry Tucker. Features old furniture, silver,
and portraits, an 18th-Century kitchen, and cellars with archeological     round. Big homes and charming cottages dot the shoreline.
CARRIAGE MUSEUM It was 1946 before motor cars began to re-                 BLUE ROUTE HAMILTON-WEST END-DOCKYARD Visitors en-
place the carriage as Bermuda’s means of transportation. This museum       joy sightseeing and turquoise waters as they cruise over to the Royal
holds a fantastic collection of the island’s fine carrriages.              Navy Dockyard. Once there you can explore the museums and forts,
DELIVERANCE This is a replica of a ship built in 1610 right here in        or shop and eat and a number of great spots. You can also enroll in
Bermuda, which was sailed west to Jamestown.                               some watersports while you are there.
WALKING TOUR OF ST. GEORGE’S Starting in King’s Square, this               ORANGE ROUTE HAMILTON-DOCKYARD-ST. GEORGE’S Visi-
fascinating 2 to 3 hour walk will acquaint you with the real Bermuda,      tors travel to St. George’s, an historic World Heritage Site, and the cul-
via the back streets of St. George’s.                                      tural centre of Old Bermuda. Passengers have ferried this route for
FEATHERBED ALLEY PRINTERY Here you can see a replica of the                over 300 years. St. George’s forts, museums, churches and old world
Gutenberg printing press, invented in the 1450’s.                          back alleys beckon to be explored.
UNFINISHED CATHEDRAL The building of this cathedral started in             GREEN ROUTE HAMILTON-ROCKAWAY Locals benefit from this
                                                                           newer commute route, but it is also for visitors who want to get across
                                                                           island to shop. NOTE: Scooters are allowed on the orange and green
                                                                           lines only
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