Page 446 - The British Big Four
P. 446

CAHOW (BERMUDA PETREL) Bermudians are proud of their offi-                 muda Guide and Dive Map. For Hamilton the following is written as
cial national bird, which the islanders are bringing back from the brink   guide information on the map:
of extinction. Nonsuch Island in Castle Islands Nature Reserve has         AR-LA-VILLE PARK Once the garden of Wm. Perot, Bermuda’s first
recently had the good fortune of a Cahow chick being hatched and           postmaster, now this park is a respite for locals and tourists. A rare
fledged. These birds spend most of their lives at sea and only breed in    Perot 1-cent stamp from 1848 auctioned for $105,000. It was dated and
Bermuda.                                                                   signed by Perot himself.
ST. DAVID’S ISLAND Before Bermuda modernized, and the pretty               WALKING TOUR OF HAMILTON Starting near the dock at the Vis-
hotels and upscale housing went in, this is how the island used to look    itors Service Bureau, this path will take 2 or 3 hours, and you will enjoy
and how they used to live. St. David’s Lighthouse has been a landmark      and love Bermuda’s beautiful capital city, Hamilton.
here since 1879, and much of this island seems about that old too. Take    FORT HAMILTON Built to protect the harbour in the 1870’s against
Bus #6 from St. George’s.                                                  possible American attacks. Although it has guns, cannons, and ram-
BERMUDA SHORTS In Bermuda, even the businessmen feel it is                 parts, its main attraction is the marvelous gardens within the walls and
perfectly okay to dress in Bermuda Shorts for the summer. Shorts           the wild semi-tropical forest of the surrounding dry moat.
1” to 3” (2.5 cm to 7.5 cm) above the knee are worn with a nice shirt,     CATHEDRAL OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Bermuda’s beautiful
maybe a neck tie, plus knee-high socks. However, they are still not ac-    cathedral known as the mother church of its Anglican diocese. You can
ceptable for church or dinner parties. Men wearing shorts began with       climb 157 steps up into its tower for one of the best views in Bermuda.
the British military in hot India in the early 1900’s. British troops re-  For St. Georges town, the following captions guide you:
ceived shorts in Bermuda too, and the fashion caught on by the 1920’s,     ST. GEORGE’S HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM Set in a home
and continues until today.                                                 built circa 1700, this museum contains an original 18th-century Ber-
ONIONS If you were born and raised in Bermuda, you are affection-          muda kitchen, a 300-year-old Bible, a letter from George Washington,
ately entitled to be called an “Onion”. At the turn of the 20th Century,   and more.
Bermuda was indeed exporting many onions, mostly to the U.S., as           THE OLD RECTORY Built in the late 17th century by reformed pi-
one of the island’s major sources of income. “Onions” have a bit of un-    rate George Dew, this is one of the oldest buildings in Bermuda.
familiar vocabulary as well. For example, to vomit is to “Go Europe”,
and pointy shoes are called “Cockroach Killers”. Although they might
sound a bit colloquial, Bermudians are amongst the most highly liter-
ate people in the world.

There are also captions within two detailed city maps on Franko’s Ber-
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