Page 564 - The British Big Four
P. 564

SEAFEATHER WALL 66’-100’ (20-30m) This steep and deep site            BEAR’S PAW 30’-45’ (9-14m) Boat dive to reef at 45’ (14m), but
has caves and tunnels in the wall with colourful sponges, gorgoni-    the drop-off can be accessed from here.
ans, and basket sponges.                                              BLUE PINNACLES 60’-100’ (18-30m) Boat dive to mini wall reef
ELKHORN FOREST 30’-45’ (9-13m) Golden-brown elkhorn                   with a pair of huge coral buttresses leading to the drop-off. Crest of
coral stands are perfect for snorkelers, who love to look down into   drop-off has lots of fish and beautiful sea fans.
the reef to find morays, scorpionfish, stingrays, eagle rays, tiger   HOLE IN THE WALL 60’-100’ (18-30m) Boat dive to a vertical
groupers, spotfin butterflyfish, sergeant majors and burrowing        wall which begins at 65 ‘ (20m), with a too-deep-to swim-through
jawfish.                                                              giant, sponge-encrusted arch in its face. Fabulous scenery with
Cayman Brac Snorkeling Sites:                                         myriads of small fishes.

CAPT. TIBBETTS WRECK                                                  MAIN STREET 60’-100’ (18-30m) Boat dive to near vertical wall
FISHERIES                                                             where eagle rays and turtles frequent.
GREENHOUSE REEF                                                       TARPON ALLEY WEST & EAST 60’-100’ (18-30m) Boat dive to
GRUNT VALLEY                                                          spectacular coral formations where the big attraction is a resident
HEDDY’S REEF                                                          school of tarpon. The “alley” is a cut in the reef near the drop-off.
JAN’S REEF                                                            PRINCESS PENNY’S PINNACLE 46’-60’ (14-18m) A mono-
PILLAR CORAL REEF                                                     lithic pinnacle named for record freediver Penny Ventura rises up
RADAR REEF                                                            outside the wall with a vertical drop into the abyss. The pinnacle is
SNAPPER REEF                                                          covered by gorgonians and sea rods, sheet coral, star corals, brain
Cayman Brac Parrot Reserve: Brac’s Parrots are colourful and          corals and little cup corals, plus tube sponges and other colourful
endangered. Bring binoculars for a zoom-in look.                      sponges. The crest is a goby cleaning station for passing big fishes
Cayman Brac Museum: Island history is on display in this wonder-      and hawksbill turtles. White-spotted eagle rays fly over the abyss.
ful museum in Stake Bay.

GHOST MOUNTAIN 60’-120’ (18-36m) 100’ (30m) off the
steeply sloping wall a singular pinnacle (Ghost Mountain) rises up
out of the deep to only 60’ depth. It is covered with gorgonians and
colourful sponges. The wall has black corals, bright finger corals.
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