Page 568 - The British Big Four
P. 568
GARY’S WALL 66’-100’ (20-30m) Boat dive to spur and groove reef ourful sponges and corals.
that descends to drop-off wall. RON’S WALL 60’-100’ (18-30m) Vertical mini-wall reef with soft
EYE OF THE NEEDLE 74’-100’ (22-30m) Also known as HOLE corals. There are a few of the bigger rainbow parrotfish at this site,
IN THE WALL, this is a boat dive to a valley, which descends to a which chomp on the corals and promptly excrete new Caribbean
steep wall. The valley is loaded with Caribbean reef creatures and is sand. Divers may be followed by a few curious Barracuda.
beautifully photogenic. PALLAS PINNACLES EAST, WEST & CENTRAL 80’-100’ (4-30m)
conch shells. Mini wall with huge star coral pinnacles, with a lot of barrel sponges
and black corals mixed in. Current can be strong here.
CHRISTINA’S REEF AND WALL 66’-100’ (20-30m) Boat dive PALLAS WRECK REEF EAST & WEST 20’-50’ (6-15m) The
to spur and groove reef formation with lots of tunnels and swim- Norwegian steel hulled frigate Pallas hit the reef here and sank in
throughs in huge coral mounds. Lots of invertebrates including 1903. This wreck is now a corroded part of the reef, filled with reef
hermit crabs large enough to use conch shells. creatures. Strong currents are common. Boat or shore entry. Good
BULLWINKLE EAST & WEST 25’-50’ (7-15m) Boat dive to shallow for snorkeling.
caves which create a nice fish nursery. DEDE’S GARDEN 25’-55’ (8-17m)
LAURA’S REEF 30’-65’ (9-20m) Boat dive to spur and groove reef GARY’S REEF 25’-55’ (6-17m) Shallow reef is a good second dive
with coral overhangs for large groupers and nurse sharks. Eagle rays for your dive boat.
are seen once in a while. BIG TABLE ROCK 60’-100’+ (18-30m+) Adv. This wall with cuts
RED BAY CAVES 25’-50’ (8-15m) Shallow caves and swim- and crevices and sand alleys leading to the drop-off was the original
throughs in coral reef. “Tarpon Alley”. There are also curious barracuda, and blacktip reef
KENT’S CAVES WEST 30’-60’ (9-18m) Shallow spur and groove BLACKIE’S HOLE 66’-100’ (20-30m) Boat dive to mini wall reef
reef with cavernous swim-through tunnels, and loaded with all kinds with black coral in deeper area and diverse fishes throughout.
of fish and invertebrates, plus turtles.
CROSSROADS 66’-100’ (20-30m) Mini wall reef with lots of col-