Page 567 - The British Big Four
P. 567
JOSH’S CANYON 60’-100’ (18-30m) TIN CITY To 50’ (12m) Easy, beginner scuba or snorkeling.
VALLEY OF THE RAYS 60’-100’ (18-30m) JAPANESE GARDEN EAST & WEST 30’-55’ (9-17m) Boat dive
CHANNEL’S END REEF 40’-60’ (12-18m) to reef full of elkhorn and staghorn corals resembling a bonsai gar-
LIGHTHOUSE WALL 40’-80’ (12-24m) den. The rocky ironshore is eroded into numerous caves, tunnels
and overhangs that make a great fish nursery full of silver-sides.
Huge tarpon feed on the juvenile fish.
BLUE PETER REEF 30’ (9m) DANGEROUS DAN’S DROP-OFF (3D) 66’-100’ (20-30m) Not
BLACK FOREST (NORTH) 66’-100’ (20-30m) Boat dive to mini as dangerous as the name implies. Breathtaking drop-off is great
wall reef with canyons of black corals. Huge buttresses of star corals background for photos of colourful fishes. Seldom visited by
rise like pinnacles. divers.
EAGLE RAY PASS 75’-100’ (23-30m) Boat to deep pass where BARRACUDA RON’S PASS 30’-55’ (10-17m)
eagle rays fly slowly by, or search the sand for snacks. NED’S TUNNELS 40’-60’ (12-118m) Coral pinnacles and but-
STINGRAY CITY To 12’ (4m) Regarded by all divers as the tresses full of tunnels and swim-throughs.
world’s best 12’ (4m) dive, this wonderful dive takes place on a PIRATE’S COVE 25’-55’ (8-17m) Boat dive to shallow coral gar-
sandy seafloor in Grand Cayman’s North Sound. Here, divers den reef full of colourful sponges, corals, and invertebrates.
interact with Grand Cayman’s extraordinary fleet of southern OLLEN’S OFFICE 66’-100’ (20-30m) Boat dive to nice, colourful
stingrays, plus accompanying yellowtail snappers, gray snappers, sponge and coral reef. The area is a bit surgy.
sergeant majors, and a few lovely green moray eel specimens. The PHANTOM’S LEDGE 66’-100’ (20-30m) Boat dive to south shore
attraction for all of the thousands of divers and snorkelers who spur and groove reef system with crystal clear waters.
come here in endless tour boats is up-close-and-personal encoun-
ters with the friendly stingrays. The attraction for the stingrays
is the yummy squid handouts that the dive masters bring. It is a
spectacle not to be missed. Note: Divers and snorkelers should
leave the feeding to the dive professionals who guide the tours.
Also, keep your fingers out of harms way from the poor-sighted
green morays. This is a spectacle not to be missed!